Enhancement of fire-fighting efficiency of water mist systems with hydraulic water spray method by the intake of surface active agent additives into the fire-fighting liquid


  • Sergey G. Petukhovskiy Research Institute of Fire Safety and Emergencies of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220046, Belarus, Minsk, Soltysa str., 183a
  • Yu. V. Zanevskaya Research Institute of Fire Safety and Emergencies of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220046, Belarus, Minsk, Soltysa str., 183a
  • Oleg D. Navrotskiy Research Institute of Fire Safety and Emergencies of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220046, Belarus, Minsk, Soltysa str., 183a https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4137-2519
  • V. K. Emel'yanov Research Institute of Fire Safety and Emergencies of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220046, Belarus, Minsk, Soltysa str., 183a


мелкодисперсная вода, огнетушащий состав, факел распыла, гидравлическая форсунка, распыливание, поверхностно-активные вещества


The research work was carried out to determine dependences of the size of drops of fire fighting composition was sprayed by hydraulic way under the injection pressure of 0.6 MPa on additives of fluorid and hydrocarbon surface active agents. It was determined that to decrease the size of drops of jet, which is created by water spray fire extinguishment means with hydraulic sprayers under the pressure of the fire-fighting liquid into the sprayer of 0.6 MPa, it may be recommended to apply fire-fighting composition, representing a 0,02 % water solution of triethanolamine laurylsulfate.

Author Biography

Sergey G. Petukhovskiy, Research Institute of Fire Safety and Emergencies of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220046, Belarus, Minsk, Soltysa str., 183a

PhD in Chemical Sciences


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How to Cite

Petukhovskiy С. Г., Zanevskaya Ю. В., Navrotskiy О. Д. and Emel’yanov В. К. (2006) “Enhancement of fire-fighting efficiency of water mist systems with hydraulic water spray method by the intake of surface active agent additives into the fire-fighting liquid”, Chrezvychaynye situatsii: obrazovanie i nauka, 1(1), pp. 37–42. Available at: https://journals.ucp.by/index.php/gei/article/view/646 (Accessed: 26 December 2024).