Technique of an estimation of application of remote piloted flying devices for investigation of an area of extreme situations


  • Nikolay V. Severov Academy of Civil Protection EMERCOM of Russia; 141435, Russia, Moscow region, Khimki, mkrn. Novogorsk
  • Vladimir V. Lapin'sh Academy of Civil Protection EMERCOM of Russia; 141435, Russia, Moscow region, Khimki, mkrn. Novogorsk


чрезвычайная ситуация, дистанционно пилотируемый летательный аппарат, воздушно-наземная разведка, робототехническое средство


The technique of quantitative – quality standard of applicability of various methods of investigation of an area of extreme situations, technical perfection of developed pilotless systems and efficiency of their application in conditions of emergency situations is developed. The analysis of the given calculations is carried out and offers on structure of remote piloted flying devices in system of EMERCOM of Russia are stated.

Author Biography

Nikolay V. Severov, Academy of Civil Protection EMERCOM of Russia; 141435, Russia, Moscow region, Khimki, mkrn. Novogorsk

Grand PhD in Technical Sciences


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Разработка воздушного робототехнического комплекса для мониторинга чрезвычайных ситуаций на основе ДПЛА легкого класса. ОКР «Беспилотник». – ОАО «Иркут», 2005.


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How to Cite

Severov Н. В. and Lapin’sh В. В. (2008) “Technique of an estimation of application of remote piloted flying devices for investigation of an area of extreme situations”, Chrezvychaynye situatsii: obrazovanie i nauka, 3(2), pp. 49–57. Available at: (Accessed: 23 October 2024).