Imitating modelling of radioactive materials streams in the technological scheme of the complex of objects of atomic engineering


  • A. N. Goncharov The state educational establishment «Gomel Engineering Institute» of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 246023, Belarus, Gomel, Rechitskiy ave., 35A
  • Oleg M. Demidenko Educational Institution «Francisk Skorina Gomel State University»; 246019, Belarus, Gomel, Sovetskaya str., 104
  • Viktor S. Smorodin The state educational establishment «Gomel Engineering Institute» of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 246023, Belarus, Gomel, Rechitskiy ave., 35A
  • Irina K. Chirik The state educational establishment «Gomel Engineering Institute» of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 246023, Belarus, Gomel, Rechitskiy ave., 35A


имитационное моделирование, вероятностный технологический процесс, радиоактивные материалы


It is known, that objects of the technological complex of the use of an atomic energy, including objects under the reference with radioactive waste products of the atomic power station, represents components of potentially dangerous manufacture having probabilistic nature as, besides creation of rational organizational structure of such objects, it is not less important to provide the coordinated realization of set of operations in the given technological process. Therefore the severe coordination of operations serves in time not only а parameter of efficiency of functioning such probabilistic technological process being potentially dangerous, but also leading condition of maintenance of radiation safety of the given technology.

Author Biographies

Oleg M. Demidenko, Educational Institution «Francisk Skorina Gomel State University»; 246019, Belarus, Gomel, Sovetskaya str., 104

Grand PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor

Viktor S. Smorodin, The state educational establishment «Gomel Engineering Institute» of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 246023, Belarus, Gomel, Rechitskiy ave., 35A

PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor


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Смородин В.С. Имитационное моделирование систем управления вероятностными технологическими процессами производства // Реестрацiя, зберiгання i обробка даних (Data Recording, Storage & Processing). – 2008. – Т.10, № 2. – С. 53–68.

Смородин В.С. Система управления надежностью оборудования вероятностных технологических процессов опасного производства // Проблеми програмування (Problems in Programming). – 2007. – № 3. – С. 107–123.


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How to Cite

Goncharov А. Н., Demidenko О. М., Smorodin В. С. and Chirik И. К. (2008) “Imitating modelling of radioactive materials streams in the technological scheme of the complex of objects of atomic engineering”, Chrezvychaynye situatsii: obrazovanie i nauka, 3(2), pp. 58–63. Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2024).