To the question of training specialists for problems on prevention and liquidation of the emergency situations caused by oil and mineral oil spill


  • P. A. Popov Academy of Civil Protection EMERCOM of Russia; 141435, Russia, Moscow region, Khimki, mkrn. Novogorsk
  • Valeriy F. Chursin Academy of Civil Protection EMERCOM of Russia; 141435, Russia, Moscow region, Khimki, mkrn. Novogorsk


программа обучения, ликвидация разливов нефти


The problem of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations caused by oil spills in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus is currently very acute due to the tendency of their quantitative and qualitative growth. Until now there are no unified requirements and training programs for specialists on the issue of prevention and liquidation to emergencies of given problem, so this article reveals the approximate content of the training program for specialists on prevention and response to emergencies caused by oil spills, based on a differentiated approach to the levels of training.

Author Biographies

P. A. Popov, Academy of Civil Protection EMERCOM of Russia; 141435, Russia, Moscow region, Khimki, mkrn. Novogorsk

PhD in Technical Sciences

Valeriy F. Chursin, Academy of Civil Protection EMERCOM of Russia; 141435, Russia, Moscow region, Khimki, mkrn. Novogorsk

PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Анализ ЧС, обусловленных разливами нефти и нефтепродуктов, происшедших с 1994 по 2006 гг. на территории РФ, и выполняемой работы АСФ по ликвидации и реабилитации территорий и акваторий, загрязненных нефтью и нефтепродуктами (шифр «Ликвидация-07»): отчет о НПР (заключ.). – Химки, 2007.


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How to Cite

Popov П. А. and Chursin В. Ф. (2008) “To the question of training specialists for problems on prevention and liquidation of the emergency situations caused by oil and mineral oil spill”, Chrezvychaynye situatsii: obrazovanie i nauka, 3(2), pp. 90–95. Available at: (Accessed: 20 September 2024).