Исследование избыточного давления вскрытия заполнений проемов вертикальных строительных конструкций


  • A.M. Usov Closed Joint-Stock Company “Pinskdrev”; Pinsk, Belarus
  • O.G. Penyaz'kov A.V. Luikov heat and mass transfer institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; ul. P. Brovki, 15, Minsk, 220072, Belarus
  • Andrey S. Mikanovich State Educational Establishment «Institute for Command Engineers» of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; ul. Mashinostroiteley, 25, Minsk, 220118, Belarus


Within last two years in Byelorussia in quality easy-dropped constructions application double-glazing units which behaviour at deflagration explosion is not investigated is supposed. For carrying out of researches the test facility for definition of superfluous pressure of opening of window blocks is developed at deflagration explosion in the closed volume.

Author Biographies

A.M. Usov, Closed Joint-Stock Company “Pinskdrev”; Pinsk, Belarus

PhD in Technical Sciences

O.G. Penyaz'kov, A.V. Luikov heat and mass transfer institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; ul. P. Brovki, 15, Minsk, 220072, Belarus

Grand PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences


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How to Cite

Usov А., Penyaz’kov О. and Mikanovich А. (2008) “Исследование избыточного давления вскрытия заполнений проемов вертикальных строительных конструкций”, Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 8(2), pp. 96–100. Available at: https://journals.ucp.by/index.php/vice/article/view/304 (Accessed: 22 July 2024).

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