Моделирование нагрева одиночного изолированного проводника электрическим током


  • Igor' Yu. Aushev State Educational Establishment «Institute for Command Engineers» of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220118, Belarus, Minsk, ul. Mashinostroiteley, 25
  • Yu.A. Stankevich A.V. Luikov heat and mass transfer institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; 220072, Belarus, Minsk, ul. P. Brovki, 15
  • Konstantin L. Stepanov A.V. Luikov heat and mass transfer institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; 220072, Belarus, Minsk, ul. P. Brovki, 15


The work the model which describes heating a cable under action of an electric current is presented. Simple estimations of limiting currents are received at long loading depending on section of the conductor, admissible temperature of heating of a conductor, conditions of temperature constancy of isolation. We consider single insulated cables. Stationary modes of heating of conductors are investigated.

Author Biographies

Igor' Yu. Aushev, State Educational Establishment «Institute for Command Engineers» of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220118, Belarus, Minsk, ul. Mashinostroiteley, 25

PhD in Technical Sciences

Yu.A. Stankevich, A.V. Luikov heat and mass transfer institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; 220072, Belarus, Minsk, ul. P. Brovki, 15

PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Konstantin L. Stepanov, A.V. Luikov heat and mass transfer institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; 220072, Belarus, Minsk, ul. P. Brovki, 15

PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Aushev И., Stankevich Ю. and Stepanov К. (2012) “Моделирование нагрева одиночного изолированного проводника электрическим током”, Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 16(2), pp. 77–86. Available at: https://journals.ucp.by/index.php/vice/article/view/409 (Accessed: 3 July 2024).

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