Peculiarities of mathematical models' creating for the road tanks at simulations of their dynamics


  • Aleksandr O. Shimanovskiy Educational Establishment «Belarusian State University of Transport»; Belarus, Gomel


road tank, braking, equivalent mechanical model, rolling with slipping


Purpose. The paper analyzes the principles of mathematical models' creating for the road tanks allowing to facilitate the results' interpretation and to decrease the time spent on computations.

Methods. Analysis of liquid cargo oscillations in the tank reservoir was performed with the use of the equivalent rigid body model, coupled with the reservoir by the viscoelastic element. The dynamic equations for the motion of a system of bodies were composed taking into account the characteristics of friction in the brake system and the possibility of slippage between the wheels and the road.

Findings. It was established taking into consideration the mass of the wheels and spring deformations do not lead to the significant increase in the accuracy of the kinematic and dynamic parameters calculations for the case of the road tank braking. It was confirmed the earlier detected effect of changing modes of wheels rolling with and without slipping for the case of automobile emergency braking.

Application field of research. The obtained results can be applied for improving the braking systems of road tanks, as well as for the drivers' training in safe driving.

Conclusions. Rational simplification of computational models allows to implement the optimization calculations at tanks' analytical and computer models development in order to ensure the best operational properties of the road tank partially filled with liquid.

Author Biography

Aleksandr O. Shimanovskiy, Educational Establishment «Belarusian State University of Transport»; Belarus, Gomel

Grand PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Shimanovskiy А. (2016) “Peculiarities of mathematical models’ creating for the road tanks at simulations of their dynamics”, Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 24(2), pp. 52–61. Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2024).