The analysis of thermal exchange in the cabin of the fire fighting vehicles at external thermal influence


  • Vladimir V. Sokolyanskiy The «Respirator» Scientific Research Institute of Mine-rescue Work, Fire Safety and civil protection; Ukraine, Donetsk


cabin of the fire fighting vehicles, thermal impact of the fire, non-stationary heat exchange, mathematical model


On the basis of the analysis of heat-exchanging processes in car cabin under the influence of heat fluxes of the fire the mathematical model of heat exchange of geometrically closed system with environment is offered. The program is made for the numerical solution of task of non-stationary heat exchange. The program allows to vary over a wide range properties of elements of walls and external conditions for choice and assessment of efficiency of technical means of providing safe microclimate in cabin of fire fighting vehicles.


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How to Cite

Sokolyanskiy В. (2016) “The analysis of thermal exchange in the cabin of the fire fighting vehicles at external thermal influence”, Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 24(2), pp. 62–71. Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2024).