Calculation of the necessity of forces and means of civil defence for elimination of the consequences of emergency situations occurring (occurred) in zones of destruction


  • Valeriy P. Gayshun State Educational Establishment «Institute for Command Engineers» of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220118, Belarus, Minsk, ul. Mashinostroiteley, 25


military conflict, forces and means of civil defence, methodological recommendations, zones of destruction


Purpose. Calculation of the necessity of forces and means of civil defence for elimination of the consequences of predicted emergency situations occurring (occurred) in zones of destruction. The article deals with the development of the methodology of calculation of forces and means of civil defence. The object is forces and means of civil defence. The subject is the order of using forces and means of civil defence.

Methods. While carrying out the study the methods of mathematical analysis and synthesis, and the method of expert estimation were used.

Findings. At the moment in our country there are no methodological recommendations defining the order of the determination of the necessity in forces and means of civil defence for elimination of the consequences of emergency situations occurring (occurred) in zones of destruction. .

Application field of research. The methodology of the calculation presented in the recommendations gives the possibility to get generalized quantitative characteristics of forces and means of civil defence for solving specific tasks of elimination of the consequences of emergency situations in zones of destruction basing on minimum initial data.

Conclusions. Given methodological recommendations can be also used while performing operational calculations of necessity of forces and means of civil defence during search and rescue operations and other emergency actions in zones of destruction.


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Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po raschetu potrebnosti sil i sredstv grazhdanskoy oborony dlya likvidatsii posledstviy prognoziruemykh chrezvychaynykh situatsiy, voznikayushchikh (voznikshikh) v zonakh razrusheniy: utv. M-rom po chrezvychaynym situatsiyam Resp. Belarus' 29.12.2014. Konsul'tantPlyus. Belarus'. OOO «YurSpektr», 2016. (rus)


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How to Cite

Gayshun В. (2016) “Calculation of the necessity of forces and means of civil defence for elimination of the consequences of emergency situations occurring (occurred) in zones of destruction”, Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 24(2), pp. 98–104. Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2024).