Organization of training loads of a various orientation by training of sportsmen-rescuers


  • Dmitriy N. Grigorenko The state educational establishment «Gomel Engineering Institute» of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 246023, Belarus, Gomel, Rechitskiy ave., 35A
  • Aleksandr I. Grishchenkov The state educational establishment «Gomel Engineering Institute» of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 246023, Belarus, Gomel, Rechitskiy ave., 35A


пожарно-спасательный спорт, адаптация, нервно-мышечный аппарат, тренировочные нагрузки


On the basis of the analysis of reserve opportunities of energy provision of an organism and adequacy of response of the nervous-muscular apparatus on offered kinds of physical loads of sportsmen-rescuers are determined. Criteria of management of the training of sportsmen-rescuers on the basis of typology of adaptation to various modes of impellent activity are developed. The methods of modeling on the basis of criteria of forecasting of a final result in carrying out exercises are elaborated.


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How to Cite

Grigorenko Д. Н. and Grishchenkov А. И. (2007) “Organization of training loads of a various orientation by training of sportsmen-rescuers”, Chrezvychaynye situatsii: obrazovanie i nauka, 2(1), pp. 83–88. Available at: (Accessed: 23 October 2024).