Эффективность применения импульсного устройства пожаротушения в помещении в зависимости от природы огнетушащего средства


  • Vyacheslav V. Lakhvich State Educational Establishment «Institute for Command Engineers» of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; ul. Mashinostroiteley, 25, Minsk, 220118, Belarus
  • Valentina V. Bogdanova The Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University; ul. Leningradskaya, 14, Minsk, 220050, Belarus
  • Aleksandr V. Vrublevskiy State Educational Establishment «Institute for Command Engineers» of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; ul. Mashinostroiteley, 25, Minsk, 220118, Belarus


In given article the efficiency of application the limited quantities of fire-extinguish materials on the basis of synthetic ammonia- metal phosphates and water is considered. Authors have carried out the comparative investigations of the fire seat suppression indoors, using pulse fire-extinguish equipment with water and chemical compositions application. The obtained results testify about significant decreasing the expenses of chemical mixers for extinguishing in comparison with water, and also about more intensive temperature decreasing indoors.

Author Biographies

Valentina V. Bogdanova, The Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University; ul. Leningradskaya, 14, Minsk, 220050, Belarus

Grand PhD in Chemical Sciences, Senior Researcher

Aleksandr V. Vrublevskiy, State Educational Establishment «Institute for Command Engineers» of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; ul. Mashinostroiteley, 25, Minsk, 220118, Belarus

PhD in Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Lakhvich В., Bogdanova В. В. and Vrublevskiy А. (2008) “Эффективность применения импульсного устройства пожаротушения в помещении в зависимости от природы огнетушащего средства”, Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 8(2), pp. 61–64. Available at: https://journals.ucp.by/index.php/vice/article/view/295 (Accessed: 22 July 2024).

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