Diagnosis of the level of emotional and volitional qualities of the shift-chief of Rescue Service of Civil Protection of State Emergency Service of Ukraine


  • Vitaliy V. Asotskiy Scientific-methodical center of educational institutions of State Emergency Service of Ukraine; Ukraine, Kharkiv, ul. Chernyshevskaya, 94


commander of the guard of the ERS CD SES of Ukraine, professional activity, professionally-important qualities


The article defines the main moments of the professional activity of the commanders of the guard of the emergency-rescue service of the civil defense of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (ERS CD SES of Ukraine). The article underlines that the study of the professionally important qualities of the commanders of the guard of the ERS CD SES of Ukraine is absent. The evaluation of the significance of the professionally important qualities of the commanders of the guard of the ERS CD SES of Ukraine is given. The marked-out qualities were combined into common groups. Special attention in the article was paid to emotional-volitional qualities of the specialist of the ERS CD SES of Ukraine; the diagnostics of the levels of the emotional-volitional qualities of the commanders of the guard of the ERS CD SES of Ukraine was carried out.

Author Biography

Vitaliy V. Asotskiy, Scientific-methodical center of educational institutions of State Emergency Service of Ukraine; Ukraine, Kharkiv, ul. Chernyshevskaya, 94

PhD in Psychological Sciences


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How to Cite

Asotskiy В. (2015) “Diagnosis of the level of emotional and volitional qualities of the shift-chief of Rescue Service of Civil Protection of State Emergency Service of Ukraine”, Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 22(2), pp. 113–122. Available at: https://journals.ucp.by/index.php/vice/article/view/519 (Accessed: 26 December 2024).