Методика прогнозирования последствий низовых лесных пожаров


  • Aleksandr S. Dmitrichenko Belarusian State Technological University; 220006, Belarus, Minsk, ul. Sverdlova, 13A
  • Andrey V. Vrublevskiy State Educational Establishment «Institute for Command Engineers» of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220118, Belarus, Minsk, ul. Mashinostroiteley, 25


The methods of ground fires consequences prognostication has been elaborated basing on the Rotermel mathematical model. The elaborated methods have the advantage of using only those input parameters which can be determined beforehand without carrying out natural fire testing. That stipulates the practical significance of the elaborated methods.

Author Biography

Aleksandr S. Dmitrichenko, Belarusian State Technological University; 220006, Belarus, Minsk, ul. Sverdlova, 13A

PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Dmitrichenko А. and Vrublevskiy А. (2011) “Методика прогнозирования последствий низовых лесных пожаров”, Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 14(2), pp. 33–38. Available at: https://journals.ucp.by/index.php/vice/article/view/378 (Accessed: 26 December 2024).

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