Specifications and field of application of fire hoses with an inner diameter of 38 mm


  • Aleksandr V. Grachulin State Educational Establishment «Institute for Command Engineers» of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220118, Belarus, Minsk, ul. Mashinostroiteley, 25
  • Andrey N. Kamlyuk State Educational Establishment «Institute for Command Engineers» of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220118, Belarus, Minsk, ul. Mashinostroiteley, 25 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9347-0778
  • Maksim S. Korsakov State Educational Establishment «Institute for Command Engineers» of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220118, Belarus, Minsk, ul. Mashinostroiteley, 25
  • Oleg D. Navrotskiy State Educational Establishment «Institute for Command Engineers» of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220118, Belarus, Minsk, ul. Mashinostroiteley, 25
  • Yanina A. Romanenko Research Institute of Fire Safety and Emergencies of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220050, Belarus, Minsk, ul. Soltysa, 183a


ire pressure hose, experimental setup, the movement of foam, hydraulics, hydraulic resistance of a hose, loss of pressure in the hose line


The authors propose the experimental setups for research hydraulic losses in the hose line and the total capacity of fire hoses Describes technique of research. Experimentally determined pressure loss in the hose line having an inner diameter of 38 mm for the flow of water, solution of water with foaming agent, foam. Determine the total capacity of the hose with an inner diameter of 38 mm.

Author Biographies

Andrey N. Kamlyuk, State Educational Establishment «Institute for Command Engineers» of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220118, Belarus, Minsk, ul. Mashinostroiteley, 25

PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor

Oleg D. Navrotskiy, State Educational Establishment «Institute for Command Engineers» of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220118, Belarus, Minsk, ul. Mashinostroiteley, 25

PhD in Technical Sciences

Yanina A. Romanenko, Research Institute of Fire Safety and Emergencies of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220050, Belarus, Minsk, ul. Soltysa, 183a

PhD in Technical Sciences


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How to Cite

Grachulin А., Kamlyuk А., Korsakov М., Navrotskiy О. and Romanenko Я. (2016) “Specifications and field of application of fire hoses with an inner diameter of 38 mm”, Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 23(1), pp. 45–50. Available at: https://journals.ucp.by/index.php/vice/article/view/538 (Accessed: 3 July 2024).

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