Reasons for activation of abrasion risk at water objects of Belarus and criteria of its zoning


  • Viktor E. Levkevich Belarusian National Technical University; pr-t Nezavisimosti, 65, Minsk, 220013, Belarus



reservoir, abrasion, abrasion risk, processing, coast, zoning, development factor, stability criterion


Purpose. The reasons for the intensification of the risk of processes in the country, caused by the construction of a number of new reservoirs of the energy purpose, are shown. The shores of new reservoirs will be subject to active processing leading to the development of abrasion risk. The length of the abrasion coasts will increase by more than 20 km, which will have an impact on the adjacent territories and economic objects. The goal of the work is to refine the indicators that allow objectively to conduct zoning of the country's territory in terms of abrasion risk, which must be taken into account in future forecast calculations.

Methods. The paper uses data from field-based multi-year observations of the author for abrasion risk processes and the results of their statistical processing, as well as theoretical studies on the development of indicators of the sustainability of territories.

Findings. Based on the theoretical study of the formation of the profile of the dynamic equilibrium of abrasion shores and the equilibrium shoreline, new criteria for the regionalization of the territory of Belarus by abrasion risk have been developed and supplemented.

Application field of research. The developed methodical approaches to zoning of territories can be used for regionalization of regions for other risk-processes of a natural nature. Cоnclusions. The results of regionalization of abrasion risk processes on the banks of the reservoirs of Belarus, taking into account the updated data, are of practical importance for determining management decisions and engineering measures to prevent the occurrence of risks at water bodies and minimize their consequences.

Author Biography

Viktor E. Levkevich, Belarusian National Technical University; pr-t Nezavisimosti, 65, Minsk, 220013, Belarus

Associate Professor; Grand PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Levkevich В. (2018) “Reasons for activation of abrasion risk at water objects of Belarus and criteria of its zoning”, Journal of Civil Protection, 2(3), pp. 376–385. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2018.2-3.376.