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7. Labor Protection
7. Labor Protection
15 Items
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Change of coal’s gas content during transportation to the temporary storage
Semyon G. Gendler, Anastasiia Yu. Stepantsova, Dmitriy B. Mozzhanov
Abstract views: 320 | PDF Downloads: 53
Changes in operational indicator characteristics of the cardiovascular system of firefighter-rescuers defining the risk group
Ekaterina D. Tselykh, Danila A. Skvortsov, Midhat K. Akhtyamov, Evgeny N. Kuzmichev
Abstract views: 120 | PDF Downloads: 83
Ensuring the protection of the population, including specialists of the EMERCOM in areas belonging to environmental disaster zones as a result of mercury contamination
Andrey E. Poleschuk, Ekaterina D. Tselykh, Midhat K. Akhtyamov
Abstract views: 105 | PDF Downloads: 74
Investigation of the characteristics of special protective footwear for rescuers-firefighters during operational tests and experimental wear
Sergey M. Shumay, Yuriy S. Ivanov, Andrey A. Starovoytov, Yuriy S. Shatilov
Abstract views: 143 | PDF Downloads: 91
Development of a multifunctional training complex for the elimination of consequences of road accidents in electric transport
Valeriy V. Kobyak, Vitaliy E. Babich, Vladislav V. Kesso, Semen P. Sak, Il'ya S. Skorupich
Abstract views: 160 | PDF Downloads: 311
Methods of risks estimation in the system of industrial safety management at petrochemical industry enterprises
Viktor A. Biryuk, Yuliya A. Bulavka, Rasim N. Imanov
Abstract views: 324 | PDF Downloads: 231
Basic principles of securitysafety of work of technical systems
Viktor N., Larisa G. Osnovina, Ol'ga V. Sokol, Natal'ya V. Mal'tsevich, Roman S. Starosto
Abstract views: 233 | PDF Downloads: 170
Risk assessment methods in the management system of labor protection
Igor' G. Starovoytov, Viktor A. Biryuk, Yuliya A. Bulavka
Abstract views: 352 | PDF Downloads: 223
About the spectrum of the monoelergetic quick neutrons beam reflected from concrete
Aleksey A. Zagorodnyuk, Georgiy V. Gatskevich, Viktor F. Minenko, Semen A. Kuten'
Abstract views: 254 | PDF Downloads: 178
Increasing of the occupational safety of firefighter-rescuer
Ol'ga O. Smilovenko, Irina G. Kurlovich
Abstract views: 263 | PDF Downloads: 162
Peculiarities of intedependence of future rescuer officers’ risk-readiness and their psychological well-being
Andrey V. Vrublevskiy, Nikolay N. Lepeshinskiy
Abstract views: 259 | PDF Downloads: 207
Assessment of dosimetric characteristics of neutron radiation generated by medical linear accelerator of electrons
Kirill A. Verenich, Semen A. Kuten', Arkadiy A. Khrushchinskiy, Kristina O. Makarevich, Viktor F. Minenko
Abstract views: 251 | PDF Downloads: 192
Risk appetite and readiness to take risks. Risk perseption of a rescue officer in case of an emergency
Andrey V. Vrublevskiy
Abstract views: 239 | PDF Downloads: 197
Development of methods for operational forecasts heat load on rescuers in fire fighting of burning resevoirs with oil products
Tat'yana V. Kostenko, Viktor K. Kostenko
Abstract views: 355 | PDF Downloads: 79
Software design fire presering training and fitness complex for training of rescuers and fire
Aleksandr T. Volochko, Kirill B. Podbolotov, Dmitriy N. Yashenya, Sergey N. Bardushko
Abstract views: 241 | PDF Downloads: 104
ISSN (Print):
ISSN (Online):
Current Issue
1. Engineering
1.1. Automation and control, monitoring and forecasting
1.2. Materials and products of textile and light industry
1.3. Mechanical engineering and machine science
1.4. Metallurgy and materials science
1.5. Oil and gas industry
1.6. Instrument engineering and metrology
1.7. Construction and architecture
1.8. Technologies and tactics
1.9. Transportation, evacuation processes and logistics
1.10. Electrical and radio engineering
1.11. Power industry
2. Physics and Mathematics
2.1. Gas dynamics and hydraulics
2.2. Ionizing radiation
2.3. Mechanics
2.4. Modeling and computer science
2.5. Optics and acoustics
2.6. Theory of probability and mathematical statistics
2.7. Heat and mass transfer. Burning and explosion
2.8. Electricity and magnetism
3. Chemistry
3.1. Fire retardant compositions
3.2. Extinguishing agents
3.3. Poisonous substances
4. Earth Sciences
4.1. Aerospace, geographic information systems
4.2. Geology and mineralogy
4.3. Hydrology
4.4. Meteorology and climatology
5. Agriculture and Forestry. Ecology
6. Military Science. Civil Defense and Emergency Protection Management
7. Labor Protection
8. Medicine. Physiology and Biology
9. Psychology. Pedagogy and Teaching Methods
10. Legal and Regulatory Support. Economy
11. History and Culture of Life Safety
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