Chief Editor

Palevoda Ivan Ivanovich,
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Colonel of Internal Service

Head of the state educational establishment «University of Сivil Protection of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus»

Curriculum Vitae

Born on August 30, 1976 in Minsk. In 1997 graduated from the higher fire-technical school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus on the specialty «Fire techniques and safety». In 2010 graduated from the Academy under the President of the Republic of Belarus on the specialty «Management of state information resources».

09.1993-12.1997 Cadet of the Higher fire-technical school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus
1997-2000 Lecturer of Higher fire-technical school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus
01.2000-09.2006 Senior lecturer of the Higher fire-technical school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus
2006-2007 Associate professor of the state educational establishment «Institute for Command Engineers» of the MES of the Republic of Belarus
2007-2009 Head of the chair of the state educational establishment «Institute for Command Engineers» of the MES of the Republic of Belarus
2009-2016 Head the state educational establishment «Institute for Command Engineers» of the MES of the Republic of Belarus
10.2016 till now Head of the state educational establishment «University of Civil Protection of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus

Scientific interest

  • Fire resistance of buildings and building constructions
  • Evacuation of people at fire
  • Innovative methods of training of rescuers under modern conditions

Scientific projects

  1. «Use of double-glazed windows as destructible easily removable structures for explosion protection of industrial and storage facilities» (03.05.2006 – 15.12.2006), assignment of the State Program of Applied Scientific Research «Reducing the risks from emergencies», State registration No. 20065142, scientific supervisor – Tereshenkov V.I.
  2. «Destruction of glass plates filling of openings in vertical building structures during a deflagration explosion in a confined volume» (02.04.2007 – 31.12.2007), task of the State Program of Applied Scientific Research «Reducing the risks from emergencies», State registration No. 20072221, scientific supervisor – Tereshenkov V.I.
  3. «Substantiation of reducing the risk of fires in case of emergency operation of electricity networks of residential buildings» (14.03.2008 – 31.12.2009), assignment of the State Program of Applied Scientific Research «Reducing the risks from emergencies», State registration No. 20082817, scientific supervisor – Palevoda I.I.
  4. «Use of lightweight coatings as easily removable structures» (02.05.2008 – 31.12.2008), the task of the State Program of Applied Scientific Research «Reducing the risks from emergencies», State registration No. 20082818, supervisor – Tereshenkov V.I.
  5. «To develop a methodology appreciation of the heterogeneity of human flows in the process of forced evacuation in case of a fire» (31.03.2008 – 31.12.2008), assignment of the State Program of Applied Scientific Research «Reducing the risks from emergencies», State registration No. 2002819, scientific supervisor – Palevoda I.I.
  6. «To conduct theoretical studies of structural fire protection of steel structural elements of buildings with increasing the fire resistance of overlaps up to 90 minutes, frames up to 120 minutes, to develop recommendations for calculating the fire resistance of steel structures», (10.06.2008 – 30.07.2010), assignment of the State Scientific and Technical Program «Building Materials and Technologies», State registration No. 20083488, scientific supervisor – Palevoda I.I.
  7. «Experimental estimation of the calculated time values of forced evacuation of people using the techniques that take into account the spatio-temporal and qualitative heterogeneity of human flows» (02.04.2009 – 30.11.2009), the State Program of Applied Scientific Research «Reducing the risks from emergencies» State registration No. 20092225, scientific supervisor – Palevoda I.I.

Main publications

  1. Palevoda I.I., Kasperov G.I. Influence of the composition of concrete of classes B20–B100 on the fire resistance of building structures. Emergency situations: prevention and liquidation, 2003. No. 4 (14). Pp. 16–23.
  2. Palevoda I.I., Kasperov G.I. Calculation and experimental method for assessing the fire resistance of building structures made of high-strength concrete. Emergency situations: prevention and liquidation, 2003. No. 4 (14). Pp. 24–32.
  3. Kasperov G.I., Palevoda I.I. Calculation of the fire resistance limits of columns made of high-strength concrete. Vestnik of Brest State Technical University. Construction and Architecture, 2003. No. 1. Pp. 85–89.
  4. Kasperov G.I., Palevoda I.I., Ryskin M.N. Assessment of factors exerting effects on strength of C5/8 – C90/105 concrete in the case of fire. Vestnik of Belarusian National Technical University, 2003. No. 2. Pp. 17–21.
  5. Palevoda I.I. Fire resistance of bent reinforced concrete structures made of high-strength concrete. Emergency situations: prevention and liquidation, 2004. No. 5 (15). Pp. 65–78.
  6. Kasperov G.I., Palevoda I.I. Assessment of the possibility of brittle fracture of high-strength concrete in a fire. Vestnik of Brest State Technical University. Construction and Architecture, 2004. No. 1. Pp. 132–134.
  7. Kasperov G.I., Palevoda I.I. Calculation of fire resistance range of bending reinforcement constructions in non-dimensional parameters. Vestnik of Belarusian National Technical University, 2004. No. 5. Pp. 19–23.
  8. Kasperov G.I., Palevoda I.I. Calculation of fire resistance limits of bent building structures from high-strength concrete in dimensionless quantities. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2005. No. 1 (1). Pp. 4–13.
  9. Kasperov G.I., Palevoda I.I. Use of the "zone" method for calculating the fire resistance limits of reinforced concrete columns made of high-strength concrete. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2005. No. 2 (2). Pp. 32–40.
  10. Kasperov G.I., Palevoda I.I., Mikanovich A.S. Estimation of the surface of momentary removable structures. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2005. No. 2 (2). Pp. 64–69.
  11. Dmitrichenko A.S., Palevoda I.I., Sobolevskiy S.L. The account of delays of movement of a flow at definition of settlement time of people evacuation. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2007. No. 1 (5). Pp. 79–86.
  12. Dmitrichenko A.S., Palevoda I.I., Osyaev V.A. Use of a piecewise constant function to estimate the intensity of the flow in the calculation of the evacuation time of people. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2007. No. 2 (6). Pp. 63–67.
  13. Palevoda I.I., Kudryashov V.A., Kodeba V.M. Transformation of the basic diagrams of deformation of heavy concrete on a granite aggregate under conditions of short-term high-temperature impact. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2008. No. 1 (7). Pp. 21–34.
  14. Dmitrichenko A.S., Palevoda I.I., Poloz D.A. Determination of the calculated dependencies between the parameters of mixed human flows in rooms with mass presence of people. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2008. No. 1 (7). Pp. 42–49.
  15. Krasovskiy S.G., Demenchuk A.K., Makarov E.K., Dmitrichenko A.S., Palevoda I.I., Osyaev V.A., Kuz'mitskiy V.A. Using an integrated model to reproduce the main experimental data on the development of fire in the room. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2008. No. 1 (7). Pp. 80–88.
  16. Dmitrichenko A.S., Palevoda I.I., Osyaev V.A., Krasovskiy S.G., Demenchuk A.K., Makarov E.K., Kuz'mitskiy V.A. Calculations of fire dynamics in a premisis on the basis of an integrated model. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2008. No. 2 (8). Pp. 18–21.
  17. Lasuta G.F., Gerasimchik A.P., Palevoda I.I. Introduction of the virtual simulation laboratory in the process of training specialists of the supervisory bodies of the Ministry for Emergency Situations. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2008. No. 2 (8). Pp. 58–60.
  18. Makarov E.K., Palevoda I.I., Demenchuk A.K., Krasovskiy S.G., Osyaev V.A. Increasing the reliability of calculations in solving the equations of the integrated fire model. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2008. No. 2 (8). Pp. 73–75.
  19. Palevoda I.I., Dmitrichenko A.S., Sobolevskiy S.L. Optimization of the standard method for determining the estimated time for evacuation of people. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2008. No. 2 (8). Pp. 80–82.
  20. Palevoda I.I., Makarov E.K., Demenchuk A.K., Osyaev V.A. Expert evaluation of the necessary time for evacuation of people. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2008. No. 2 (8). Pp. 83–86.
  21. Palevoda I.I., Artem'ev V.P. Active learning environment "Virtual fire prevention" and the experience of its use at the chair of Fire and Emergency Prevention. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2008. No. 2 (8). Pp. 87–90.
  22. Puzach S.V., Palevoda I.I., Ivanitskiy A.G. Optimization of the thickness of fireproof intumescent coatings of metal structures taking into account the thermogasdynamics of a real fire. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2009. No. 1 (9). Pp. 63–70.
  23. Puzach S.V., Lebedchenko O.S., Smagin A.V., Palevoda I.I., Poloz D.A., Kuz'mitskiy V.A. Assessment of the hazard of acrolein, hydrochloric acid and hydrochloric acid in case of a fire. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2009. No. 1 (9). Pp. 71–75.
  24. Lasuta G.F., Gerasimchik A.P., Palevoda I.I., Pastukhov S.M., Mikanovich A.S., Osyaev V.A., Chaychits N.I., Zinkevich G.N. Introduction of virtual reality technologies in the educational process of training specialists of the bodies of state fire supervision. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2009. No. 2 (10). Pp. 79–85.
  25. Kuz'mitskiy V.A., Osyaev V.A., Palevoda I.I. Gas exchange through the opening when taking into account the distribution of temperature in the room with a fire. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2009. No. 2 (10). Pp. 86–95.
  26. Palevoda I.I., Dmitrichenko A.S., Yanovskiy S.Y., Chaychits N.I. Simulation of non-stationary heating by a current of uninsulated wire of finite length. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2009. No. 2 (10). Pp. 96–104.
  27. Lasuta G.F., Palevoda I.I., Makovchik A.V., Abdrafikov F.N., Artemyev V.P. Fire safety of technological processes: textbook. Minsk: RCSE MChS, 2010. 288 p.
  28. Palevoda I.I., Ivanitsky A.G., Zhmodik S.M., Pokrovsky V.M. Software tool for calculating the dynamics of heating of steel structures with structural fire protection. Fire and technospheric safety: problems and ways of improvement, 2010. No. 1 (1). Pp. 207-210.
  29. Puzach S.V., Smagin A.V., Lebedchenko O.S., Doan V.M., Palevoda I.I., Poloz D.A., Osyaev V.A., Kuz'mitskiy V.A. The role of the dynamics of dangerous fire factors in the pathogenesis of human poisoning into a fire. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2010. No. 1 (11). Pp. 4–10.
  30. Palevoda I.I., Golub O.V., Kudryashov V.A., Mikanovich A.S., Osyaev V.A., Lyudko A.A. Use of computer simulation to improve the effectiveness of training of emergency personnel and bodies for the management of forces and means in emergency response. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2010. No. 1 (11). Pp. 97–102.
  31. Palevoda I.I., Ivanitskiy A.G., Zhamoydik S.M. Determination of the actual fire resistance limit of steel structures with constructive fire protection. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2010. No. 2 (12). Pp. 39–46.
  32. Kuz'mitskiy V.A., Palevoda I.I., Osyaev V.A. Hazardous fire factors at the initial stage in an adjacent premisis within the integrated model. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2011. No. 1 (13). Pp. 105–109.
  33. Sobolevskiy S.L., Makarov E.K., Palevoda I.I., Poloz D.A., Dmitrichenko A.S., Demenchuk A.K., Krasovskiy S.G., Tomenko V.I., Prorovskiy V.M., Osyaev V.A., Zhamoydik S.M., Maksimov P.V. Development of software for estimating time parameters of evacuation of people from a building in case of fire. Emergency Situations: Education and Science, 2011. Vol. 6, No. 1. Pp. 69–76.
  34. Demenchuk A.K., Krasovskiy S.G., Makarov E.K., Osyaev V.A., Palevoda I.I. Rapid method for evaluation of harmful factors of fire in premises on the basis of integral model. Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2011. Vol. 55, No. 2. Pp. 99–104.
  35. Palevoda I.I., Zaynudinova N.V. Results of fire tests of reinforced concrete structures on fire resistance using fiber-optic strain gauges. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2011. No. 2 (14). Pp. 4–8.
  36. Sadovskiy A.Y., Dubovik A.M., Lakhvich V.V., Palevoda I.I., Kuz'mitskiy V.A. Development of a modular mobile training and training complex based on container-type steel structures for the training of fire-fighters in the conditions of modelling of dangerous fire factors. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2012. No. 2 (16). Pp. 4–11.
  37. Shirko A.V., Kamlyuk A.N., Palevoda I.I., Drobysh A.S. Methodology for creating parametric models of reinforced concrete structural elements. Emergency Situations: Education and Science, 2013. No. 1 (8). Pp. 48–54.
  38. Kamlyuk A.N., Palevoda I.I., Shirko A.V. Models of reinforcing and concrete materials for thermal engineering and strength calculations using the Russian standard as an example. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2013. No. 1 (17). Pp. 104–116.
  39. Palevoda I.V., Palevoda I.I. Engineering method for estimating the mass of released hydrogen when charging traction batteries. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2013. No. 1 (17). Pp. 117–121.
  40. Lakhvich V.V., Gorokhovik M.V., Sadovskiy A.Y., Palevoda I.I., Kuz'mitskiy V.A. Systems of control and fuel supply of a modular training and training complex for modelling of dangerous fire factors. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2013. No. 2 (18). Pp. 5–13.
  41. Shirko A.V., Kamlyuk A.N., Palevoda I.I., Zaynudinova N.V. Thermotechnical calculation of fire resistance of elements of reinforced concrete structures using the ANSYS program. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2013. No. 2 (18). Pp. 260–269.
  42. Shirko A.V., Kamlyuk A.N., Palevoda I.I., Zaynudinova N.V. The strength calculation of concrete stabs in a soft-ware environment ANSYS. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2014. No. 1 (19). Pp. 48–58.
  43. Palevoda I.I., Kamlyuk A.N., Shirko A.V., Zaynudinova N.V. Modeling the behavior of concrete under thermal engineering loading taking into account crack formation by the finite element method on the example of the Russian standard. Vestnik of the Kokshetau Technical Institute of the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2014. No. 2 (14). Pp. 3–14.
  44. Kudryashov V.A., Palevoda I.I., Drobysh A.S., Solov'yanchik A.M. Experimental researches fire resistance of polymer composite structures with fire protection. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2015. No. 1 (21). Pp. 25–29.
  45. Golodnov A.I., Kudryashov V.A., Palevoda I.I., Otrosh Y.A., Tkachuk I.A., Seminog N.N., Drobysh A.S. Comparative assessment fire resistance concrete hollow-core slabs using standards of Belarus, Ukraine, the European Union, and computational methods. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2015. No. 1 (21). Pp. 30–39.
  46. Palevoda I.I., Karpenchuk I.V., Striganova M.Y., Shatilo E.E. Model of Turbulent Flow of Rheological Solutions of Foaming Agents in Channels of Automatic Fire-Extinguishing Systems. Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 2015. Vol. 88, No. 1. С. 224–229.
  47. Palevoda I.I., Kudryashov V.A., Zhamoydik S.M. Full-scale experimental study of steel frame structures fire resistance with structural fire protection. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2016. No. 1 (23). Pp. 13–27.
  48. Palevoda I.I., Zaynudinova N.V., Chaychits N.I. The results of the fire test concrete slabs with unbonded reinforcement of the fire resistance. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2016. No. 1 (23). Pp. 37–44.
  49. Palevoda I.I., Zaynudinova N.V. Determination of the fire resistance of prestressed concrete slab with unbonded reinforcement. Vestnik of the Institute for Command Engineers of the MES of the Republic of Belarus, 2016. No. 2 (24). Pp. 32–38.
  50. Palevoda I.I., Zaynudinova N.V. Modelling of the behavior of concrete slabs with unbonded reinforcement in the ANSYS program complex. Journal of Civil Protection, 2017. Vol. 1, No. 4. Pp. 385–391.
  51. Palevoda I.I., Zaynudinova N.V. Fire resistance of binding prestressed concrete slab with unbonded reinforcemen.  Journal of Civil Protection, 2018. Vol. 2, No. 2. Pp. 161–167.
  52. Palevoda I.I., Sadovskiy A.Y., Golyakova I.V., Bogdanovich A.B., Karpievich V.A., Sergeev V.N. Milestones of the national school of rescuers firefighters training. Journal of Civil Protection, 2018. Vol. 2, No. 3. Pp. 299–308.
  53. Palevoda I.I., Nekhan' D.S., Batan D.S. Behavior of centrifuged concrete in case of fire. Journal of Civil Protection, 2018. Vol. 2, No. 4. Pp. 455–469.
  54. Pаlevoda I.I., Zhamoydik S.M., Nekhan' D.S., Batan D.S. Study of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Centrifuged Concrete. Science and Technique, 2018. No. 4 (18). Pp. 319–329.
  55. Palevoda I.I., Rad'kov I.A., Sak S.P., Chizh L.V., Morozov A.A., Ropot P.P., Gnitsevich A.I. Application of the testing control software in distant training of specialists on operational and tactical activity. Journal of Civil Protection, 2019. Vol. 3, No. 1. Pp. 83–89.
  56. Palevoda I.I., Nekhan' D.S., Experimental and theoretical researches of physical and thermophysical characteristics of centrifuged concrete. Journal of Civil Protection, 2019. Vol. 3, No. 3. Pp. 255–267.
  57. Basakovich I.A., Botyan S.S., Zhamoydik S.M., Kudryashov V.A., Osyaev V.A., Palevoda I.I. Knauf Fireboard fire protection efficiency for vertical steel profiles of various cross section shapes. Journal of Civil Protection, 2019. Vol. 3, No. 3. Pp. 268–282.
  58. Nekhan' D.S., Zhamoydik S.M., Palevoda I.I. Modeling of heating of a centrifuged reinforced concrete column taking into account anisotropy of thermophysical characteristics of concrete in cross section. Journal of Civil Protection, 2019. Vol. 3, No. 4. Pp. 366–377.
  59. Palevoda I.I., Nekhan' D.S. Results of full-scale fire test of spun reinforced concrete columns of annular section. Journal of Civil Protection, 2020. Vol. 4, No. 2. Pp. 142–159.
  60. Palevoda I.I., Nekhan' D.S. Fire resistance of spun reinforced concrete columns. Journal of Civil Protection, 2021. Vol. 5, No. 2. Pp. 139–158.
  61. Palevoda I.I., Nekhan' D.S. A solution to the thermal problem of fire resistance of spun reinforced concrete columns. Fire and Explosion Safety, 2019. Vol. 30, No. 2. Pp. 49–70.
  62. Palevoda I.I., Zhamoydik S.M., Nekhan' D.S. Reinforced concrete centrifuged columns with structural fire protection model fire tests. Journal of Civil Protection, 2019. Vol. 5, No. 3. Pp. 289–299.
  63. Nekhan' D.S., Palevoda I.I. The static analysis problem of fire resistance of spun reinforced concrete columns. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part F. Constructions. Applied Sciences, 2021. No. 8. Pp. 94–106.
  64. Palevoda I.I. Determination of fire resistance limits for modern reinforced concrete building structures using computer simulation in ANSYS. Journal of Civil Protection, 2022. Vol. 6, No. 1. Pp. 42–57.
  65. Palevoda I.I., Ivanitskiy A.G., Mikanovich A.S., Pastukhov S.M., Grachulin A.V., Ryabtsev V.N., Navrotskiy O.D., Likhomanov A.O., Vinyarskiy G.V., Gusarov I.S. Virtual and augmented reality technologies in the educational process. Journal of Civil Protection, 2022. Vol. 6, No. 1. Pp. 119–142.
  66. Palevoda I.I., Zhamoydik S.M., Nekhan' D.S. Fire resistance of reinforced concrete columns with structural fire retardance. Fire and Emergencies: Prevention, Elimination, 2022. No. 2. Pp. 67–81.
  67. Palevoda I.I., Ryabtsev V.N., Likhomanov A.O., Navrotskiy O.D., Grachulin A.V., Gapanyuk D.V., Morozov A.A., Klimovtsov V.M., Vinyarskiy G.V., Shinkorenko K.E., Gusarov I.S., Bobarika I.V. Experimental model of the simulator with imitation of the effects of physical impacts in virtual reality for the training of firefighters. Journal of Civil Protection, 2022. Vol. 6, No. 3. Pp. 339–360.
  68. Palevoda I.I., Pasovets V.N., Lakhvich V.V., Denisenko D.S. Dynamic driving simulator of fire rescue vehicle. Journal of Civil Protection, 2022. Vol. 6, No. 4. Pp. 472–480.
  69. Palevoda I.I., Zhamoydik S.M., Zaynudinova N.V., Nekhan' D.S. Regulation of the fire resistance of modern building structures of reinforced concrete. Journal of Civil Protection, 2023. Vol. 7, No. 2. Pp. 144–163.
  70. Palevoda I.I., Kamlyuk A.N., Pasovets V.N., Kryval' D.V. Achievements of the University of civil protection in the republican youth project «100 Ideas for Belarus». Journal of Civil Protection, 2023. Vol. 7, No. 3. Pp. 315–328.
  71. Palevoda I.I., Zhamoydik S.M., Zaynudinova N.V., Nekhan' D.S. Fire resistance of modern reinforced concrete building structures: monograph. Ed. by I.I. Palevoda. Minsk: University of Civil Protection, 2023. 420 p.
  72. Palevoda I.I., Nekhan' D.S. Theoretical model of resistance of high-strength, modified and spun concrete in fire. Vestnik of Brest State Technical University, 2023. No. 2 (131). Pp. 52–61.
  73. Palevoda I.I. Scientifically based conception for integrated assessing the fire resistance of modern building structures. Journal of Civil Protection, 2024. Vol. 8, No. 2. Pp. 123–142.
  74. Salanovich S.A., Palevoda I.I., Tikhonov M.M., Olesiyuk N.M. Development of an updated National strategy of reducing the risk of emergencies in the Republic of Belarus until 2030. Journal of Civil Protection, 2024. Vol. 8, No. 2. Pp. 199–208


  1. Lasuta G.F., Karpenchuk I.V., Palevoda I.I., Parmon V.V., Palubets S.M., Striganova M.Yu., Shafranskiy D.A. Manual combined fire nozzle. Belarusian Patent Office: IPCA 62C 31/00 (2006.01), patent for utility model No. 8319 dated June 30, 2012.
  2. Palevoda I.I., Lakhvich V.V., Gorokhovik D.M., Grachulin A.V. The device for simulation of fire. Belarusian Patent Office: IPCF 23D 5/00 (2006.01), patent for utility model No. 9971 dated February 28, 2014.
  3. Palevoda I.I., Lakhvich V.V., Gorokhovik D.M., Grachulin A.V. Modular complex for training firefighters - rescuers under conditions of modelling of dangerous fire factors. Belarusian Patent Office: IPC G 09B 19/10 (2006.01), patent for utility model No. 9972 dated February 28, 2014.
  4. Karpenchuk I.V., Palevoda I.I., Kachanov I.V., Pavlyukov S.Yu., VolchekYa.S., Palubets S.M. Sprinkler with preliminary aeration of the fire extinguishing solution. Belarusian Patent Office: IPC A 62C 31/00 (2006.01), patent for utility model No. 10277 dated August 8, 2014.
  5. Lasuta G.F., Karpenchuk I.V., Palevoda I.I., StriganovaM.Yu., PavlyukovS.Yu., VolchekYa.S., Kachanov I.V., Shkutnik V.A., Yankevich N.G. The nozzle for creating a water-foam jet. The Belarusian Patent Office: IPC A 62C 31/00 (2006.01), utility model patent No. 10498 dated December 30, 2014.
  6. Palevoda I.I., Maksimov P.V., Grachulin A.V., Zuev M.B. Generator of a fire extinguishing aerosol with a coolant of a fire extinguishing mixture. Belarusian Patent Office: IPCA 62C 31/00 (2006.01), utility model patent No. 10847 dated October 30, 2015.
  7. Lasuta G.F., Karpenchuk I.V., Palevoda I.I., Parmon V.V., Palubets S.M., Striganova M.Yu., Shafranskiy D.A. The manual combined fire nozzle. The Eurasian Patent Office: IPCA 62C 31/00 (2006.01), patent for invention No. 022550 of January 29, 2016.
  8. Palevoda I.I., Kudryashov V.A., Babich V.E., Pastukhov S.M., Zhamoydik S.M., Nguen T.K., Drobysh A.S. Stand for testing of building structures for fire resistance. Belarusian Patent Office: IPC G 01 N 25/00 (2006.01), G 01 N 25/24 (2006.01), patent for utility model No. 10911 dated February 28, 2016.
  9. Palevoda I.I., Parmon V.V., Volchek Ya.S., Pavlyukov S.Yu., Striganova M.Yu., Kamlyuk A.N., Morozov A.A., Shirko A.V. Manual universal combined fire nozzle. Belarusian Patent Office: IPC A 62C 31/00 (2006.01), A 62C 31/02 (2006.01), patent for utility model No. 11398 dated June 30, 2017.
  10. Palevoda I.I., Pasovets V.N., Pasovets E.Yu., Biryuk V.A. Localizer explosion. Belarusian Patent Office: IPC F 42B 39/00 (2006.01), F 42B 33/00 (2006.01), patent for invention No. 22321 dated December 30, 2018.
  11. Palevoda I.I., Lakhvich V.V., Gorokhovik D.M., Mikanovich D.S. Modular training complex for training firefighters rescuers. Belarusian Patent Office: IPC G 09B 9/00 (2006.01), A 62C 99/00 (2006.01), patent for invention No. 22444 dated April 30, 2019.
  12. Palevoda I.I., Pasovets V.N., Pasovets E.Yu., Biryuk V.A. Domed explosion localizer. Belarusian Patent Office: IPC F 42B 39/14 (2006.01), patent for utility model No. 12099 dated August 30, 2019.