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2. Physics and Mathematics
2.1. Gas dynamics and hydraulics
2.1. Gas dynamics and hydraulics
48 Items
All Items
Quantitative description of the mechanisms of formation of low multiplicity air-mechanical foam for firefighting needs
Andrey N. Kamlyuk
Abstract views: 85 | PDF Downloads: 29
Spreading of a drop of non-Newtonian viscous liquid over a solid horizontal surface
Valentin I. Baykov, Dmitriy M. Nakhay, Dmitry S. Mikanovich
Abstract views: 60 | PDF Downloads: 39
The influence of foaming agent concentration on the wetting ability and foam expansion rate when dosing in automatic sprinkler systems
Aleksey O. Likhomanov, Oleg D. Navrotskiy, Sergey A. Zhukovskiy, Andrey N. Kamlyuk
Abstract views: 473 | PDF Downloads: 110
Peculiarities of lifting of non-Newtonian fluids in porous material
Dmitriy M. Nakhay, Valentin I. Baykov, Dmitry S. Mikanovich
Abstract views: 119 | PDF Downloads: 64
Fire extinguishing and film-forming ability of fire extinguishing compositions based on fluorinated surfactants
Igor Yu. Ivanov, Oleg D. Navrotskiy, Elena A. Doukesheva
Abstract views: 155 | PDF Downloads: 74
On the effectiveness of fire extinguishing with low-multiplicity air-mechanical foam formed by foam generators
Andrey N. Kamlyuk, Artem A. Morozov, Aleksander V. Pivovarov
Abstract views: 205 | PDF Downloads: 95
Optimization of the geometry of the flow path of nozzles for the manual firefighting barrel SPRU-50/0.7 to form a compact jet of fire extinguishing agent
Vitaliy N. Ryabtsev, Aleksey O. Likhomanov, Oleg D. Navrotskiy, Artem A. Morozov, Andrey N. Kamlyuk, Aleksandr V. Il'yushonok, Igor A. Goncharenko, Oleg V. Shkinder
Abstract views: 230 | PDF Downloads: 97
Influence of hydrodynamic parameters of the jet and geometric parameters of the frame arm and deflector of the sprinkler on foam expansion rate
Eduard G. Govor, Aleksey O. Likhomanov, Andrey N. Kamlyuk, Tatyana A. Govor, Vladimir A. Yarets
Abstract views: 242 | PDF Downloads: 123
Influence of shear rate and temperature on the dynamic viscosity of a polymer solution
Dmitry M. Nakhai, Dmitry S. Mikanovich, Mikhail O. Busel
Abstract views: 163 | PDF Downloads: 131
Methods of experimental determination of compression foam flow regimes
Kirill E. Shinkorenko, Aleksandr V. Grachulin, Vitaliy N. Ryabtsev
Abstract views: 250 | PDF Downloads: 99
Model of movement of fire extinguishing foam in a layer of oil products
Olga O. Smillovenko, Sergey M. Malashenko, Alena O. Abramovich
Abstract views: 125 | PDF Downloads: 89
Influence of the dimensions of the grid cell and the distance from it to the nozzle of the foam-generating device on the foam dispersion
Andrey N. Kamlyuk, Aleksey O. Likhomanov, Artem F. Titovets, Nikita S. Polochanin, Aleksandr V. Grachulin
Abstract views: 269 | PDF Downloads: 120
Research of fluorinated surfactants for the development of a film-forming fire extinguishing composition
Igor Yu. Ivanov, Oleg D. Navrotskiy, Yana A. Kondakova, Vasiliy E. Krasavin, Mikhail O. Busel
Abstract views: 180 | PDF Downloads: 149
The effect of the height of the installation of a manual fire barrel with optimal geometric parameters on the consumption of extinguishing agent
Artem A. Morozov
Abstract views: 147 | PDF Downloads: 115
Experimental investigation of compression foam jet supply
Il'ya S. Skorupich, Aleksandr V. Grachulin, Kirill E. Shinkorenko
Abstract views: 176 | PDF Downloads: 134
Foaming agent for extinguishing water-soluble combustible liquids
Yana A. Kondakova, Oleg D. Navrotskiy, Igor Yu. Ivanov
Abstract views: 219 | PDF Downloads: 153
Experimental studies of the parameters of flow movement along a dry riverbed under high-altitude conditions at a hydrodynamic accident
Marina Yu. Striganova, Igor M. Shatalov, Maria K. Shcherbakova, Nikolay N. Bandolik, Alexey A. Gudkov, Darya S. Komzolova
Abstract views: 177 | PDF Downloads: 99
Hydraulic resistance of pressure fire hoses
Oleg D. Navrotskiy, Ruslan N. Mikhalev, Aleksandr V. Grachulin, Vitaliy N. Ryabtsev,
Abstract views: 296 | PDF Downloads: 163
Evaluation of the bubbles diameter and the blowing speed of the air-mechanical foam forming bubbles on the screen of the foam generators
Tran Duc Hoan, Andrey N. Kamlyuk, Aleksey O. Likhomanov, Aleksandr V. Grachulin, Alexander S. Platonov, Artem F. Titovets
Abstract views: 351 | PDF Downloads: 148
Laboratory studies of the level mode of the cascade of hydraulic units of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Sergey M. Pastukhov, Khikmet S. Osmanov, Aleksandr V. Buzuk
Abstract views: 258 | PDF Downloads: 128
Determination of emergencies probability at hydraulic structures
Valeriy V. Kobyak, Dmitriy S. Mikanovich, Mark M. Zhurov
Abstract views: 266 | PDF Downloads: 178
On the relationship between the sprinkler geometric parameters, stability and expansion rate of the generated foam
Aleksey O. Likhomanov, Eduard G. Govor, Andrey N. Kamlyuk
Abstract views: 418 | PDF Downloads: 254
The breakup length of axisymmetric turbulent jet in the foam deflector type sprinkler for automatic extinguishing systems
Aleksey O. Likhomanov, Andrey N. Kamlyuk
Abstract views: 419 | PDF Downloads: 163
Semi-empirical model of calculating the parameters of the actual zone of contamination when setting up water curtains
Gennadiy V. Kotov, Sergey P. Fisenko
Abstract views: 260 | PDF Downloads: 158
On the integration of differential equations of unsteady gradually changing flow in an open channel in highland conditions when a dam breaks
Marina Yu. Striganova, Igor' M. Shatalov, Samedaga A. Samedov, Mariya K. Shcherbakova, Irina V. Nedashkovskaya, Viktoriya S. Rabchenya
Abstract views: 245 | PDF Downloads: 159
1-25 of 48
ISSN (Print):
ISSN (Online):
Current Issue
1. Engineering
1.1. Automation and control, monitoring and forecasting
1.2. Materials and products of textile and light industry
1.3. Mechanical engineering and machine science
1.4. Metallurgy and materials science
1.5. Oil and gas industry
1.6. Instrument engineering and metrology
1.7. Construction and architecture
1.8. Technologies and tactics
1.9. Transportation, evacuation processes and logistics
1.10. Electrical and radio engineering
1.11. Power industry
2. Physics and Mathematics
2.1. Gas dynamics and hydraulics
2.2. Ionizing radiation
2.3. Mechanics
2.4. Modeling and computer science
2.5. Optics and acoustics
2.6. Theory of probability and mathematical statistics
2.7. Heat and mass transfer. Burning and explosion
2.8. Electricity and magnetism
3. Chemistry
3.1. Fire retardant compositions
3.2. Extinguishing agents
3.3. Poisonous substances
4. Earth Sciences
4.1. Aerospace, geographic information systems
4.2. Geology and mineralogy
4.3. Hydrology
4.4. Meteorology and climatology
5. Agriculture and Forestry. Ecology
6. Military Science. Civil Defense and Emergency Protection Management
7. Labor Protection
8. Medicine. Physiology and Biology
9. Psychology. Pedagogy and Teaching Methods
10. Legal and Regulatory Support. Economy
11. History and Culture of Life Safety
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