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6. Military Science. Civil Defense and Emergency Protection Management
6. Military Science. Civil Defense and Emergency Protection Management
62 Items
All Items
Development of views on the use of civil defense forces
Vitaliy A. Khrokolov
Abstract views: 74 | PDF Downloads: 58
Improvement of the system of ensuring radiation safety of the border service of the Republic of Belarus
Evgeniy A. Il'yuchik, Andrey N. Bugay
Abstract views: 66 | PDF Downloads: 33
Information conceptual model of professional activity of officials of state fire supervision when implementing supervision and prevention measures (based on the example of organizing monitoring)
Andrey V. Surikov, Natal'ya V. Zaynudinova, Stepan A. Barysh
Abstract views: 153 | PDF Downloads: 104
Development of an updated National strategy of reducing the risk of emergencies in the Republic of Belarus until 2030
Sergey A. Salanovich, Ivan I. Palevoda, Maxim M. Tikhonov, Nikolay M. Olesiyuk
Abstract views: 188 | PDF Downloads: 50
Methodology of risk assessment of natural and technogenic emergencies
Dmitry S. Mikanovich, Artem A. Morozov, Andrey I. Gnitsevich, Anton S. Gusev
Abstract views: 202 | PDF Downloads: 54
Improving the methodology of evaluating the effectiveness of the actions of officials of temporary control headquarters for emergency oil spill elimination in the Caspian water area
Adil A. Abdullaev, Inna P. Kolesneva, Maxim M. Tikhonov
Abstract views: 102 | PDF Downloads: 79
Methodology for determining the composition and size of the fire emergency rescue service as a part of civil defense forces involved in eliminating the consequences of use of fire defeat by adversary
Vitaliy A. Khrokolov, Igor K. Murzich
Abstract views: 114 | PDF Downloads: 101
Improving the efficiency of the Vietnamese Police Force of Fire Protection and Rescue at various types of incidents and natural disasters
Pham Viet Tien
Abstract views: 133 | PDF Downloads: 97
Virtual interactive training simulator «Gas mask checks»
Lyudmila I. Buyakevich, Sergey I. Klezovich, Andrey A. Tsakunov, Andrey A. Krot
Abstract views: 156 | PDF Downloads: 309
Achievements of the University of civil protection in the republican youth project «100 Ideas for Belarus»
Ivan I. Palevoda, Andrey N. Kamlyuk, Vladimir N. Pasovets, Denis V. Kryval
Abstract views: 231 | PDF Downloads: 98
Armed defense of the Motherland as one of the functions of rescuers in wartime
Mihail N. Subbotin, Ol'ga I. Tsinkevich, Nikolay M. Ol'kha
Abstract views: 164 | PDF Downloads: 121
Organizational aspects of decision support for the sake of civil defense
Sergey S. Bordak
Abstract views: 147 | PDF Downloads: 83
A possible approach to determining the volume of emergency rescue and other urgent work assigned to the fire emergency and rescue service of civil defense
Vitaliy A. Khrokolov
Abstract views: 160 | PDF Downloads: 118
The role and place of civil defense in the system of ensuring national security of the republic of belarus (in the context of ensuring military security)
Alexander D. Bulva
Abstract views: 199 | PDF Downloads: 119
Laws of armed combat as a scientific and theoretical basis for comprehensive protection of organizations to be transferred to work in wartime conditions
Aleksandr D. Bulva
Abstract views: 202 | PDF Downloads: 123
Determining the types of rescue and other urgent work performed by the fire rescue service of civil defense
Vitaliy A. Khrokolov, Aleksey P. Eremin
Abstract views: 211 | PDF Downloads: 183
Fire protection service of Belarus in the interwar period and at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War
Vitaliy A. Khrokolov
Abstract views: 269 | PDF Downloads: 140
Evaluation of the effectiveness of civil defense measures in the elaboration of management decisions
Sergey S. Bordak, Vadim A. Kovtun, Yuriy M. Pleskachevskiy
Abstract views: 227 | PDF Downloads: 155
Theoretical foundations of the organization of elimination of consequences of using means of destruction by the enemy: special principles and terminological apparatus
Sergey S. Bordak, Nikolay V. Karpilenya, Mikhail N. Subbotin
Abstract views: 219 | PDF Downloads: 180
Methodological approach to forecasting and evaluating the situation to support decision-making on the organization of civil defense under the conditions of sabotage-terrorist impact
Sergey S. Bordak
Abstract views: 211 | PDF Downloads: 159
On forecasting fire situation related to technogenic emergencies in the Republic of Belarus: approaches and problems
Mikhail M. Tatur, Aleksandr G. Ivanitskiy, Vyacheslav M. Prorovskiy
Abstract views: 288 | PDF Downloads: 175
Local air defense: ensuring of population safety during the Great Patriotic War
Vitaliy A. Khrokolov, Mikhail N. Subbotin
Abstract views: 284 | PDF Downloads: 167
Information management technology in emergency situations: conceptual framework
Anastasiya A. Sokolova, Maksim M. Tikhonov, Adil' A. Abdullaev
Abstract views: 248 | PDF Downloads: 160
Measures of comprehensive protection of workers of the organization and population falling into the zone of possible chemical contamination
Evgeniy A. Beznosik, Sergey M. Pastukhov, Maksim M. Tikhonov
Abstract views: 225 | PDF Downloads: 191
Military-political situation in the Baltic region, as one of the factors influencing the preparation and management of civil defense
Vitaliy A. Khrokolov, Igor' K. Murzich, Nikolay E. Buzin
Abstract views: 209 | PDF Downloads: 136
1-25 of 62
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Current Issue
1. Engineering
1.1. Automation and control, monitoring and forecasting
1.2. Materials and products of textile and light industry
1.3. Mechanical engineering and machine science
1.4. Metallurgy and materials science
1.5. Oil and gas industry
1.6. Instrument engineering and metrology
1.7. Construction and architecture
1.8. Technologies and tactics
1.9. Transportation, evacuation processes and logistics
1.10. Electrical and radio engineering
1.11. Power industry
2. Physics and Mathematics
2.1. Gas dynamics and hydraulics
2.2. Ionizing radiation
2.3. Mechanics
2.4. Modeling and computer science
2.5. Optics and acoustics
2.6. Theory of probability and mathematical statistics
2.7. Heat and mass transfer. Burning and explosion
2.8. Electricity and magnetism
3. Chemistry
3.1. Fire retardant compositions
3.2. Extinguishing agents
3.3. Poisonous substances
4. Earth Sciences
4.1. Aerospace, geographic information systems
4.2. Geology and mineralogy
4.3. Hydrology
4.4. Meteorology and climatology
5. Agriculture and Forestry. Ecology
6. Military Science. Civil Defense and Emergency Protection Management
7. Labor Protection
8. Medicine. Physiology and Biology
9. Psychology. Pedagogy and Teaching Methods
10. Legal and Regulatory Support. Economy
11. History and Culture of Life Safety
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