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1. Engineering
1.3. Mechanical engineering and machine science
1.3. Mechanical engineering and machine science
11 Items
All Items
Improving the safety of the EDK-2000 emergency recovery train railway crane by timely detecting defects in the pyramidal support stands
Alexander G. Otoka, Oleg V. Kholodilov
Abstract views: 165 | PDF Downloads: 91
Research of accelerations arising under the action of inertial loads in the structures of fire truck tanks when moving to the place of emergency liquidation
Vadim A. Kovtun, Sergey G. Korotkevich
Abstract views: 121 | PDF Downloads: 72
Chemical composition analysis of sediment on the casing of well-bore electric pump unit
Alla M. Braikova, Konstantin F. Saevich, Tatyana A. Bazylchuk, Maria Yu. Yakubovich, Dmitry V. Bondarev, Alexander S. Kozorez
Abstract views: 88 | PDF Downloads: 54
Estimation of calculated combustion parameters required for modeling of passenger car fires in the FDS software environment
Vadim A. Kudryashov, Stanislav V. Ivanov, Valeriy V. Kobyak
Abstract views: 149 | PDF Downloads: 75
Non-destructive testing methods of assemblies and units of fire and emergency technique
Viktor A. Biryuk, Vladimir N. Pasovets, Mark M. Zhurov
Abstract views: 270 | PDF Downloads: 165
Research of the geometric parameters influence of tank constructional elements on its strength characteristics at modernization of fire-fighting trucks
Vadim A. Kovtun, Sergey G. Korotkevich
Abstract views: 235 | PDF Downloads: 148
Tenzometric research of stress state of fire truck tanks at various motion modes
Vadim A. Kovtun, Sergey G. Korotkevich, Vladimir N. Pasovets
Abstract views: 229 | PDF Downloads: 163
Promising means of fire extinguishing agents using high-pressure installations
Dmitriy V. Vasilevich, Vyacheslav V. Lakhvich, Dmitriy S. Mikanovich
Abstract views: 301 | PDF Downloads: 288
Optimization of the fire truck’s tank AС-5.0-50/4 based on the chassis MAZ-5337 by the method computer modeling
Vadim A. Kovtun, Sergey G. Korotkevich, Vladimir N. Pasovets, Ivan Todorov
Abstract views: 354 | PDF Downloads: 219
Increasing of the occupational safety of firefighter-rescuer
Ol'ga O. Smilovenko, Irina G. Kurlovich
Abstract views: 257 | PDF Downloads: 151
Risks and causes of technogenic catastrophes, accidents and incidents at hasardous production objects of the Republic of Belarus
Sergey P. Yakimov
Abstract views: 341 | PDF Downloads: 166
ISSN (Print):
ISSN (Online):
Current Issue
1. Engineering
1.1. Automation and control, monitoring and forecasting
1.2. Materials and products of textile and light industry
1.3. Mechanical engineering and machine science
1.4. Metallurgy and materials science
1.5. Oil and gas industry
1.6. Instrument engineering and metrology
1.7. Construction and architecture
1.8. Technologies and tactics
1.9. Transportation, evacuation processes and logistics
1.10. Electrical and radio engineering
1.11. Power industry
2. Physics and Mathematics
2.1. Gas dynamics and hydraulics
2.2. Ionizing radiation
2.3. Mechanics
2.4. Modeling and computer science
2.5. Optics and acoustics
2.6. Theory of probability and mathematical statistics
2.7. Heat and mass transfer. Burning and explosion
2.8. Electricity and magnetism
3. Chemistry
3.1. Fire retardant compositions
3.2. Extinguishing agents
3.3. Poisonous substances
4. Earth Sciences
4.1. Aerospace, geographic information systems
4.2. Geology and mineralogy
4.3. Hydrology
4.4. Meteorology and climatology
5. Agriculture and Forestry. Ecology
6. Military Science. Civil Defense and Emergency Protection Management
7. Labor Protection
8. Medicine. Physiology and Biology
9. Psychology. Pedagogy and Teaching Methods
10. Legal and Regulatory Support. Economy
11. History and Culture of Life Safety
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