Rules of Submitting

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1. Articles submitted to the journal should present the results of research, investigations, testing, description of technical appliances and software, review of problem, comments on the normative and technical documents, reference materials and so on.

2. The volume of a scientific article considered as a publication on the topic of the dissertation should be not less than 0.35 author's sheets (14000 printed characters including spaces, punctuation symbols, numbers and others). This volume includes tables, photos, graphs, figures, and list of references.

3. The article should be submitted in two copies. The second copy should be paged and signed by all authors. The manuscript should have the following attachments: а) recommendations of the chair, scientific laboratory or establishment of education; b) expert's report about the possibility of open publication of the article); signed license agreement on the right of publishing of the article (is concluded with each of the authors separately and is printed on both sides of one sheet).

4. Electronic version of the article in Microsoft Word format is submitted on standard storage devices or through e-mail to the address Figures are submitted as extra separate files of graphic format.

5. The article should have the following structure:

  • information about the authors (on a separate sheet): surname, name, patronymic - in full, academic degree, academic title, place of work (full name, address indicating the index and country), position, work phone number, e-mail (required), available personal identification numbers in scientometric databases (in this case it is obligatory to indicate the RSCI SPIN-code, ORCID identifier). If there are several authors, the contact person is indicated;
  • UDC (Universal Decimal Classification);
  • title;
  • abstract (not less than 200 and not more than 300 words) is the main source of information about the article, can be published independently in abstract journals and information systems separately of the main text and, therefore, should be understandable without reference to the publication itself. The abstract should disclose: the purpose (the field of issues to be addressed is determined, the purpose and objectives of the work, the object and subject of research are indicated); methods (sets out the approaches, methods and technologies of research); findings (the most significant theoretical positions, experimental data are given, their relevance and novelty are emphasized); application field of research (describes the possibility of using the results, notes their scientific and practical significance);
  • keywords (not more than 12 words);
  • date of submitting (month and year);
  • introduction; body; clearly formulated conclusion;
  • an indication of the source of funding (if the article is prepared as a part of a research grant);
  • list of cited literature. For each source, its DOI is indicated (if available). Experts of international scientometric databases have unfavorable attitude to the inclusion of sources of a local nature (decrees, laws, instructions, unpublished reports, dissertations, abstracts, etc.), electronic materials and Internet resources in the cited literature list. Therefore, it is recommended to mention such references in the form of paginal footnotes with pass-through numbering.

The following information is provided on a separate page in English: information about authors; article title; an abstract, necessarily including the following items: purpose, methods, findings, application field of research; key words and phrases; transliteration in Latin and English translation of the list of references.

For Russian language sources the transliteration in Latin are given: surname, name, patronimic of the authors, titles of the article, journals (if there are no English titles) proceedings of conferences and publishing centres, and in English language – titles and publishing information (city, volume and number of publication, pages). The system of transliteration BGN should be used for transliteration in Latin, Internet-sources can be also used, e.g. the site

6. The content of the sections of the article, tables, figures, cited references should correcpond with the Interstate Standard GOST 7.1-2003 and the Instruction on the order of presentation of qualification scientific work (dissertation) aimed at the awarding of scientific degree of the candidate and doctor of science, author's abstract and publications on the theme of the dissertation approved by the decision of Higher Attestation Commission of Belarus from February, 28, 2014. No. 3.

7. The editorial staff has the right to make changes which do not misrepresent the main article’s content. The manuscripts of declined articles are not returned to the authors.