Preparation of algorithm expertise of the actions of officials of state emergency prevention and elimination system in case of an accident at the Belarusian nuclear power plant


  • Aleksandr F. Khudoleev Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220030, Belarus, Minsk, ul. Revolyutsionnaya, 5



Belarusian nuclear power plant, expertise, expert assessment, time indicators, weight coefficients


Purpose. To clarify the content of the preparation of expertise of the algorithm of actions of the officials of state emergency prevention and elimination system in case of an accident at the Belarusian nuclear power plant.

Methods. Analysis of the procedure for organizing the expertise, the features of the functioning of the system of prevention and elimination of emergency situations at the Belarusian nuclear power plant. Study of existing indicators of the algorithm of actions of the officials involved in emergency response.

Findings. The indicators of the algorithm of the actions of the officials of state emergency prevention and elimination system in case of an accident at the Belarusian nuclear power plant, which are subject to expert evaluation, are specified. Requirements to experts are formulated; the possibilities of application of received expert estimations are defined.

Application field of research. The results of the research can become the basis of the system of expert evaluation of the algorithm of the actions of officials of state emergency prevention and elimination system in case of an accident at the Belarusian nuclear power plant.

Author Biography

Aleksandr F. Khudoleev, Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220030, Belarus, Minsk, ul. Revolyutsionnaya, 5

First Deputy Minister


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How to Cite

Khudoleev А. (2019) “Preparation of algorithm expertise of the actions of officials of state emergency prevention and elimination system in case of an accident at the Belarusian nuclear power plant”, Journal of Civil Protection, 3(4), pp. 438–445. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2019.3-4.438.