Estimation of effects of strong earthquake for urban territories




seismic hazard, scenario earthquake, seismic intensity, isoseists, seismic risk, structural vulnerability, seismic reliability, earthquake assessment methodology, earthquake impact assessment


Purpose. Development of scientific and practical methods for assessing the effects of strong earthquakes in cities and settlements in seismically active regions of Uzbekistan.

Methods. When assessing seismic hazard, a deterministic approach is used. Based on the results of field seismometric studies using the Matlab MSEER_GMS program, seismic effects for different soil conditions were estimated. The functions of seismic vulnerability are constructed and the damage to buildings is determined using the GESI_Program program.

Findings. A methodology for assessing and zoning the consequences of a scenario earthquake in urban areas has been developed, which includes an assessment of seismic hazard with the identification of potentially dangerous earthquake sources and the selection of a scenario earthquake. A method for predicting seismic impacts taking into account the attenuation of seismic vibrations, as well as a method for assessing structural seismic vulnerability for various types of buildings, is also proposed. The developed methodological approaches increase the reliability of the quantitative assessment of the consequences of strong earthquakes, which allows timely preventive measures aimed at reducing damage in the city.

Application field of research. The developed methodology for assessing the consequences of strong earthquakes that occurred in urban areas can be used in predicting possible damage in cities and towns located in highly seismic regions.

Author Biographies

Vakhitkhan A. Ismailov, Mavlyanov Institute of Seismology of Academy of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan; 100128, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, ul. Zulfiyakhonim, 3

Seismic Risk Laboratory, Head of Laboratory; Grand PhD in Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Bekzod U. Aktamov, Mavlyanov Institute of Seismology of Academy of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan; 100128, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, ul. Zulfiyakhonim, 3

Seismic Risk Laboratory, Junior Researcher

Sherzod B. Allaev, Tashkent State Technical University; 100095, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, ul. Universitetskaya, 2

Chair of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Graduate Student


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How to Cite

Ismailov В. А., Aktamov Б. У. and Allaev Ш. Б. (2020) “Estimation of effects of strong earthquake for urban territories”, Journal of Civil Protection, 4(3), pp. 305–315. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2020.4-3.305.