Case-study as effective educational technology at studying integrated academic discipline «Safety of human vital activity»


  • Tat'yana P. Dyubkova Belarusian State University; pr. Nezavisimosti, 4, Minsk, 220030, Belarus



safety of human vital activity, emergency situation, pattern of behavior, case-study, students, motivation, physical culture


Purpose. The experience of teaching students of the Belarusian State University based on case-study when learning the content of the academic discipline «Safety of human vital activity» is presented in this article.

Methods. Instructional videos or fragments of documentaries, based on real natural and technogenic emergency situations, are used as a content-information resource. Case-study is used for the development of students abilities to analyze an emergency, find the optimal pattern of behavior and form motivation to increase the level of physical culture.

Findings. The element of novelty of the decision of case was in the comparative assessment of the behavior of people with different levels of physical training, differing degrees of severity of emotional and volitional qualities and self-control of behavior in an emergency situation. High level of physical training (endurance, reaction time, strength, agility, improvement of motor skills), development of volitional and moral qualities, ability to self-control and self-regulation of behavior are an additional resource for human survival in natural and technogenic emergency situations.

Application field of research. The need for a rapid response to any kind of danger emergency source requires instant mobilization of the body's physical resources for the survival of the organism. Systematic physical exercise contributes to the implementation of the body's inner potential and allows achieving physical improvement necessary to perform appropriate actions in any situation involving risk to life. It also contributes to the formation of emotional and volitional and moral qualities of the person required for the survival.

Conclusions. Teaching of students through case-study develops ability to analyze the situation, creates the ability to identify emergency source hazards and prevent their effects on the body due to the behavior of an elaborate strategy, imitates the mechanism of decision making under conditions of uncertainty and high risk to life, develops motivation for physical improvement.

Author Biography

Tat'yana P. Dyubkova, Belarusian State University; pr. Nezavisimosti, 4, Minsk, 220030, Belarus

Associate Professor; PhD in Medical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Dyubkova Т. (2017) “Case-study as effective educational technology at studying integrated academic discipline «Safety of human vital activity»”, Journal of Civil Protection, 1(1), pp. 99–104. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2017.1-1.99.