The study of the loss of fire resistance of the reinforced concrete crossbars and beams in operation


  • Dmitriy N. Pristupyuk Federal State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Vocational Training «The State Fire Academy of the Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters»; 129366, Russia, Moscow, Borisa Galushkina str., 4
  • Vladimir Yu. Fedorov Federal State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Vocational Training «The State Fire Academy of the Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters»; 129366, Russia, Moscow, Borisa Galushkina str., 4
  • Ruslan A. Danilov Federal State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Vocational Training «The State Fire Academy of the Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters»; 129366, Russia, Moscow, Borisa Galushkina str., 4



fire resistance, reinforced concrete structures, coefficient of loss of fire resistance, corrosion, wear, reinforced concrete beams, reinforced concrete crossbars, combined hazardous effects


Purpose. The development of the theory of fire resistance of constructions, buildings and structures considering one of the directions of combined hazardous effects with the participation of fire – the assessment of fire resistance of reinforced concrete structures, having regard to the duration and conditions of their operation.

Methods. To determine the operational limits of fire resistance, an analytical method for solving a static problem, a finite element analysis method for solving a heat engineering problem of fire resistance were used. The results of fire tests are applied to confirm the reliability of the data obtained by the simulation method.

Findings. It has been found that already with a 25 % reduction in load-bearing capacity during use, reinforced concrete structures lose about 50 % of their original fire-resistance rating. It has been established that the dynamics of the loss of fire resistance of reinforced concrete crossbars and beams mainly depends on the category of technical condition, and not on their design parameters.

Application field of research. The presented research results of fire resistance were obtained for reinforced concrete structures in operation and can be used to predict the behavior of operating reinforced concrete structures in fire, as well as to develop models and improve standards in the field of designing fire resistance of reinforced concrete structures.

Author Biographies

Dmitriy N. Pristupyuk, Federal State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Vocational Training «The State Fire Academy of the Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters»; 129366, Russia, Moscow, Borisa Galushkina str., 4

Educational and Scientific Complex of Fire Safety of Objects Under Protection, Chair of Fire Safety in Construction, Head of Chair; PhD in Technical Sciences

Vladimir Yu. Fedorov, Federal State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Vocational Training «The State Fire Academy of the Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters»; 129366, Russia, Moscow, Borisa Galushkina str., 4

Educational and Scientific Complex of Fire Safety of Objects Under Protection, Chair of Fire Safety in Construction, Lecturer

Ruslan A. Danilov, Federal State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Vocational Training «The State Fire Academy of the Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters»; 129366, Russia, Moscow, Borisa Galushkina str., 4

Faculty of Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel, Adjunct


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How to Cite

Pristupyuk Д. Н., Fedorov В. Ю. and Danilov Р. А. (2022) “The study of the loss of fire resistance of the reinforced concrete crossbars and beams in operation”, Journal of Civil Protection, 6(3), pp. 278–293. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2022.6-3.278.