Ensuring the protection of the population, including specialists of the EMERCOM in areas belonging to environmental disaster zones as a result of mercury contamination





dismantling of the pulp and cardboard mill, demercurization, imbalance of trace elements, decrease in the level of health of the population of Amursk


Purpose. Study of risk factors for the population and ensuring the protection of specialists of the EMERCOM in conditions of man-made mercury pollution on the territory of Amursk.

Methods. The study of risk factors for the population and ensuring the protection of specialists of the EMERCOM was carried out by mass spectrometric analysis of samples of water, soil, fur of mammals, human blood serum.

Findings. On the territory of Amursk, an imbalance of chemical elements in the blood serum was determined due to an excess of heavy metals (Hg, Mn, Fe, Zn) and a deficiency of essential elements (Ba, Se, Mo), which affects changes in the human endocrine profile. Recommendations are proposed to reduce the impact of technogenic pollution on emergency workers. The implementation and practical use of these recommendations makes it possible to reduce the impact of harmful factors affecting people’s lives and health.

Application field of research. The presented research results were obtained in the field of ecology and health care and can be used in the event of emergencies of a similar nature as a practical guide to the leveling and elimination of man-made mercury pollution.

Author Biographies

Andrey E. Poleschuk, Far Eastern State Transport University; 680021, Russia, Khabarovsk, Serysheva str., 47

Chair of Technosphere Safety, Postgraduate Student

Ekaterina D. Tselykh, Far Eastern State Transport University; 680021, Russia, Khabarovsk, Serysheva str., 47

Chair of Technosphere Safety, Professor; Grand PhD in Biological Sciences, Professor

Midhat K. Akhtyamov, Far Eastern State Transport University; 680021, Russia, Khabarovsk, Serysheva str., 47

Chair of Technosphere Safety, Head of the Chair; Grand PhD in Biological Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite

Poleschuk А. Е., Tselykh Е. Д. and Akhtyamov М. Х. (2023) “Ensuring the protection of the population, including specialists of the EMERCOM in areas belonging to environmental disaster zones as a result of mercury contamination”, Journal of Civil Protection, 7(4), pp. 415–425. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2023.7-4.415.



Safety in emergencies (technical sciences)
