Risk factors for occupational burnout among heads of law enforcement agencies





professional burnout, emotions, manager, professional activity, power structure


Purpose. Updating and bringing together views on the term «professional burnout», determining risk factors for the development of professional burnout among heads of law enforcement agencies.

Methods. Phenomenological analysis of the scientific provisions of foreign and domestic and authors.

Findings. The characteristic factors of the professional activity of the head of the enforcement agency affecting the development of professional burnout have been established.

Application field of research. Conducting research in the field of studying the factors of professional burnout of heads of law enforcement agencies will help to carry out primary prevention and secondary prophylaxis in the process of their professional activities.

Author Biography

Natal'ya V. Shershneva, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus; 220007, Belarus, Minsk, Moskovskaya str., 17

Chair of Personnel Policy and Psychology of Management, postgraduate student


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How to Cite

Shershneva Н. В. (2023) “Risk factors for occupational burnout among heads of law enforcement agencies”, Journal of Civil Protection, 7(2), pp. 231–237. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2023.7-2.231.



Fire and industrial safety (psychological sciences)
