The optimal composition of the surface preparation for polyester materials by the method of mathematical planning of the experiment
polyester material, fire retardant treatment, phosphorus-nitrogen-containing flame retardants, mathematical planning, full-factor experiment, technological schemeAbstract
Purpose. It this article it is shown that the main contribution to the provision of subsequent chemical interaction between the surface of the treated material and the flame retardant composition is made by a certain ratio of hydrochloric acid and phosphoric acid at the stage of etching of the material.
Methods. The article describes the method of mathematical design of the experiment, during the application of which the components of the etching composition and their concentrations were determined, which have a determining effect on the reactivity of the surface of polyethylene terephthalate.
Findings. The carried out full-factor experiment allows to state that a significant contribution to the efficiency of the activation of the polyester surface is made by phosphoric and hydrochloric acids, which are in a certain ratio to each other. While the concentrations of acetic and sulfuric acids are of secondary importance.
Application field of research. The results of the study can be used in the formulation of the flame retardant composition for the textile industry.
Conclusions. When changing the etchant formulation, in accordance with the obtained concentrations of the etchant components determining the maximum amount of the flame retardant retained on the polymer while optimizing the PFE by the Box-Wilson method, a new etching composition of the polyester material is obtained, providing chemically bonding to the polyester material of the inorganic flame retardant in an amount sufficient to achieve a stable fire-retardant effect.
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