Investigation of the influence of the layer thickness of a granulated foam glass on the liquids combustion of the series of alkans
mass burning rate, alkanes, pentane, heptane, octane, decane, dodecane, fires in tanks, granulated foam glass, gel, re-ignitionAbstract
Purpose. The change in the intensity of burning of liquid alkanes is studied upon accumulation of granulated non-combustible material on their surface, which has a density less than that of liquid. The purpose of the study is to determine the value of the thickness of the foam glass layer, which guarantees gel quenching with the impossibility of re-ignition.
Methods. Combustion of liquid alkanes with the presence and absence of a floating incombustible layer under conditions of a laboratory model focal point, which is made in the form of a reservoir with an evaporation surface of 98.5 cm2, is studied. The mass burnup rate of hydrocarbons is determined by the results of the mass change during the burnout process.
Findings. It is established that the mass burning rate of alkanes decreases with increasing thickness of the foam glass layer. The effect of the cessation of combustion of high-boiling alkanes (decane, dodecane) was noted when the thickness of the foamed glass layer reached 8 and 6 cm; for octane, a layer of foam glass of 10 cm is required. Low-boiling alkanes (pentane, heptane) do not extinguish at a thickness of the foamed glass layer of 12 cm. The application of foamed glass under the specified conditions accelerates quenching and guarantees the impossibility of re-ignition.
Application field of research. This study forms a new direction in the firefighting of flammable liquids and shows the possibility of effective quenching of liquid hydrocarbons without the use of foams. As a result, the environmental performance of the extinguishing process is improved.
Conclusions. The application of a foam glass layer of 4–6 cm allows achieving the cessation of combustion of high-boiling liquids. For pentane and heptane, a layer of foam glass 12 cm allows to reduce the intensity of combustion to a level at which combustion can be eliminated by impulsive feeding of the gelling system with the impossibility of re-ignition.
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