Basic principles of securitysafety of work of technical systems
technical systems, environment, basic principles, safety of technical systemsAbstract
Purpose. The aim of the work was to study the basic principles of ensuring the safety of technical systems aimed at eliminating the negative impact of hazardous and harmful production factors for workers.
Methods. Systematic approach to the object of research, methods of analysis and generalization are used.
Findings. A systematic presentation of the term «technical systems» is given. The basic principles of ensuring the safety of technical systems are formulated and the state of industrial injuries in the Republic of Belarus for 2016–2017 is analyzed.
Application field of research. The principles presented in the work should find the application in the design and operation of equipment to improve its safety.
Conclusions. In the sphere of production there are no absolutely safe production facilities, therefore the measures are needed to reduce the impact of harmful factors on working personal. Observance of the basic principles of the safety of technical systems in the design and operation of machinery will increase its safety, reduce injuries, and preserve the life and health of workers.
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