Assessment of the position and width of the working layer of the regenerative cartridge of insulating respirator in terms of completeness of the sufficient statistics




isolating breathing apparatus, running layer of the chemical adsorbent, the asymptotics of the overshoot of carbon dioxide, completeness of sufficient statistics, efficiency of estimates


Purpose. To substantiate the procedure of the experimental determination of the parameters of the asymptotics of carbon dioxide concentration in the study of the dynamic sorption activity of regenerative cartridge of isolating respirator on chemically bound oxygen.

Methods. Mathematical and computer simulation of the working process of the insulating breathing apparatus on chemically bound oxygen using the data of previous experimental studies.

Findings. The article substantiates the procedure of experimental determination of the parameters of the asymptotics concentration of carbon dioxide in the study of the dynamic sorption activity of the regenerative cartridge of the insulating respirator on chemically bound oxygen. It is shown that the error in estimating of the share of non absorbed carbon dioxide molecules on the basis of sampling within the framework of the Bernoulli scheme is reduced if finding the variance of the estimate under conditions of completeness of sufficient statistics at the class of biased estimates.

Application field of research. The obtained results can be used to optimize the temperature regime of the regenerative cartridge of the breathing apparatus and to justify the guaranteed period of its protective action.

Author Biography

Stepan G. Ekhilevskiy, Educational Establishment «Polotsk State University»; ul. Blokhina, 29, Novopolotsk, 211440, Belarus

Chair of Programming Technologies, Professor; Grand PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Ekhilevskiy С. (2019) “Assessment of the position and width of the working layer of the regenerative cartridge of insulating respirator in terms of completeness of the sufficient statistics”, Journal of Civil Protection, 3(3), pp. 291–300. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2019.3-3.291.