Psychological aspects of professionally important qualities of firefighters-rescuers


  • Ekaterina I. Germatskaya State fire rescue institution «Republican Special Response Team» of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220139, Belarus, Minsk, ul. Karvata, 78



extreme conditions of activity, professionally important qualities, skills, abilities, psychological training, emergency


Purpose. The description of the main professionally important qualities and skills of fire-rescuers, aspects of their development. Determination of skills and abilities that firefighter-rescuers need to successfully complete professional tasks.

Methods. Theoretical analysis of the available results of studies of professional qualities of firefighter-rescuers, and their skills.

Findings. The conditions of activity of rescuers are described. The concepts «professionally important skills of firefighter-rescuers» and «professionally important abilities of firefighter-rescuers» are considered, their fundamental difference is determined. It was revealed that the absence or insufficient development of professionally important qualities reduce the effectiveness of professional activities of rescuers. The professionally important qualities of specialists of extreme profile are described and structured into separate groups, their role in emergency response is determined.

Application field of research. The presented results can be used to further study of the conditions and factors of the formation of skills and abilities of firefighter-rescuers to develop a program for the training extreme specialist’s skills and abilities.

Author Biography

Ekaterina I. Germatskaya, State fire rescue institution «Republican Special Response Team» of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220139, Belarus, Minsk, ul. Karvata, 78

Crisis Psychological Center, Inspector-Psychologist


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How to Cite

Germatskaya Е. (2020) “Psychological aspects of professionally important qualities of firefighters-rescuers”, Journal of Civil Protection, 4(1), pp. 96–105. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2020.4-1.96.



Safety in emergencies (psychological sciences)
