Sorption and retention capacity of modified fibrous-porous materials in relation to oil and petroleum products


  • Vladimir I. Zhukalov Gomel Branch of the State Educational Establishment «University of Civil Protection of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus»; 246023, Belarus, Gomel, av. Rechitskiy, 35А
  • Victor A. Goldade Francisk Skorina Gomel State University; 246019, Belarus, Gomel, Sovetskaya str., 104
  • Sergey V. Zotov V.A. Belyi Metal-Polymer Research Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; 246050, Belarus, Gomel, Kirova 32a str.



sorption, oil, diesel fuel, corona discharge, polarization, electret state, physical model


Purpose. Investigation of the effect of electric polarization of polymeric fibrous materials on the sorption of oil and petroleum products.

Methods. Melt blowing of Borealis brand polypropylene. Polarization of samples in a corona discharge field of positive and negative polarity with a strength of 25 kV/cm. Sample processing in low-temperature oxygen plasma of a glow discharge with a frequency of 35 kHz. Weighting method for determining sorption characteristics. Scanning electron microscopy method. Electret thermal analysis method.

Findings. The dependence of sorption parameters of materials on the type of physical modification – corona discharge of different polarity and low-temperature plasma of a glow discharge – has been established. It is shown that the modification of fibrous-porous materials in a corona discharge field to impart electret properties to them somewhat reduces the sorption characteristics of these materials in relation to oil. In the manufacture of sorption materials for the collection of crude oil, the original unmodified fibrous-porous material should be used. It has been experimentally established that in the manufacture of sorption materials for the collection of light oil fractions, the preferred method is the modification of fibers in a corona discharge field of negative polarity. Electrization has a significant effect on the processes of sorption by fibers of its lipophilic components. A physical model of the sorption of petroleum products by electret samples of polymeric fibrous-porous materials is proposed.

Application field of research. Fibrous-porous polymeric materials subjected to physical modification with the formation of an electret state can be used for: sorption of some oil fractions, filtration of liquids from contaminants of a dielectric nature, purification of air from ionized dust containing radioactive particles, targeted separation of biological fluids containing dielectric and (or) electret components.

Author Biographies

Vladimir I. Zhukalov, Gomel Branch of the State Educational Establishment «University of Civil Protection of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus»; 246023, Belarus, Gomel, av. Rechitskiy, 35А

Chair of Operational-Tactical Activity and Technical Equipment, Senior Lecturer

Victor A. Goldade, Francisk Skorina Gomel State University; 246019, Belarus, Gomel, Sovetskaya str., 104

Chair of Radiophysics and Electronics, Professor; Grand PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor

Sergey V. Zotov, V.A. Belyi Metal-Polymer Research Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; 246050, Belarus, Gomel, Kirova 32a str.

Department 1 «Composite materials and recycling of polymers», Leading Researcher; PhD in Technical Sciences


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How to Cite

Zhukalov В. И., Goldade В. А. and Zotov С. В. (2021) “Sorption and retention capacity of modified fibrous-porous materials in relation to oil and petroleum products”, Journal of Civil Protection, 5(3), pp. 321–334. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2021.5-3.321.