Ensuring fire safety of hydrogen filling stations
hydrogen, filling station, fire safety, energy, hydrogen strategyAbstract
Purpose. To analyze the development of hydrogen filling stations in the Russian Federation, as well as in foreign countries.
Methods. Political and legal method, system-structural method.
Findings. The development of hydrogen filling stations in the Russian Federation, China, Japan, the Republic of Belarus, as well as the countries of the European Union, as well as the United States of America, is considered. Hydrogen energy is considered as an element of the development of the transport industry. The priorities and goals of local development plans in above mentioned countries dictate the need to create hydrogen filling stations. A review of analytical studies of the fire hazard of hydrogen fuel transport infrastructure facilities, global trends in the use of hydrogen fuel in the transport industry, as well as materials proving the need to develop a global infrastructure for the use of hydrogen fuel, namely, hydrogen filling stations was reviewed. One of the ways to improve fire safety is to improve the processes for obtaining hydrogen fuel, its conversion into energy, as well as storage at gas stations. The development of hydrogen filling stations directly affects the creation and improvement of the hydrogen industry in the world. The state of the regulatory and technical base in the field of maintenance and fire safety of hydrogen filling stations often lags behind the general level of the economy in a number of countries.
Application field of research. The carried out analysis of the development of hydrogen filling stations can be used to develop and implement regulatory and technical acts in the field of ensuring the fire safety of hydrogen filling stations.
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