Prospective directions of scientific and technical activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the field of information technologies
information technologies, systems, automation, programming, control, modeling, safetyAbstract
Purpose. Review and analysis of the main results of scientific and technical activities of employees of the Department of Information Technology (as part of the educational and scientific complex of automated systems and information technology) of the State Fire Academy of EMERCOM of Russia.
Methods. The general methodology of the work involves the use of theoretical methods of research (review, description, analysis).
Findings. An analysis of the main results of scientific and technical activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the field of information technologies on the example of the achievements of the Department of Information Technologies (as part of the training and research complex) of automated systems and information technologies of the State Fire Academy of EMERCOM of Russia was carried out. Prospective directions of scientific and technical activity of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the field of information technologies are described.
Application field of research. The results of the review and analysis of advances in scientific and technical activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the field of information technologies may serve as a basis for improving and increasing the efficiency of activities, as well as determine promising areas of information technology to support all professional areas of activity in the field of fire safety and emergencies.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Burlachenko K.G., Efimov A.A., Kadiev Sh.K., Kostenko O.N., Nikolaenko E.V., Safronov N.A., Chubukov M.A., Stepanov E.V.
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