Ways to reduce the number of defects in welded joints during installation of steel vertical tanks of cylindrical structure for storage of oil and petroleum products
vertical steel tank, welded joint, defects in welded joints, destruction of welded jointsAbstract
Purpose. Development of a set of measures to reduce the number of defects in welded joints during the installation of vertical steel tanks for storing oil and oil products.
Methods. The general methodology of the work included the use of theoretical research methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison).
Findings. The analysis of the main causes of the destruction of vertical steel tanks for the storage of oil and oil products has been carried out. It is shown that the main defects leading to an accident during the installation and operation of tanks are crack-like defects in welds. A set of measures has been developed to reduce the number of defects in welded joints during installation.
Application field of research. The results of the review and analysis of information about the causes of defects in vertical steel tanks for the storage of oil and oil products can be used during the installation of structural elements.
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