Calculation of reactivity effects in the subcritical assembly with thermal neutron spectrum driven by an external source of neutrons


  • Mariya V. Shishkina State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny”; ul. akademika A.K. Krasina, 99, Minsk, 220109, Belarus
  • Yuriy G. Fokov State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny”; ul. akademika A.K. Krasina, 99, Minsk, 220109, Belarus
  • Kristina K. Rutkovskaya State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny”; ul. akademika A.K. Krasina, 99, Minsk, 220109, Belarus
  • Alla V. Kulikovskaya State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny”; ul. akademika A.K. Krasina, 99, Minsk, 220109, Belarus



effective neutron multiplication factor, reactivity effects, effective fraction of delayed neutrons


Purpose.The subject of inquiry is subcritical assembly «Yalina-Thermal» with thermal neutron spectrum driven by external neutron sources operating at the «JIPNR-Sosny» of the NAS of Belarus. The objective of the work was analytical study of the assembly «Yalina-Thermal» reactivity changes in the course of nuclear fuel loading into the core.

Methods.To calculate the mentioned parameters by MCNP code the input file has been created simulating in detail the assembly’s geometry and structure of neutron energy groups.

Findings.The «Yalina» facility was conceived for the purpose of investigating the static and dynamic neutronics properties of accelerator driven sub-critical systems, and to serve as a neutron source for investigating the properties of nuclear reactions, in particular transmutation reactions involving minor-actinide nuclei.

Application field of research. The obtained results could be used for further studies of the kinetic parameters of the subcritical assembly «Yalina».

Conclusions. Using the MCNP code the stepwise process of fuel loading into the core was simulated, the reactivity value of fuel rods in central, intermediate and peripheral regions of the core was estimated, as well as reactivity value of the lead target, contribution to the effective fraction of delayed neutrons.

Author Biographies

Mariya V. Shishkina, State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny”; ul. akademika A.K. Krasina, 99, Minsk, 220109, Belarus

Junior Researcher

Yuriy G. Fokov, State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny”; ul. akademika A.K. Krasina, 99, Minsk, 220109, Belarus

Senior Researcher

Kristina K. Rutkovskaya, State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny”; ul. akademika A.K. Krasina, 99, Minsk, 220109, Belarus


Alla V. Kulikovskaya, State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny”; ul. akademika A.K. Krasina, 99, Minsk, 220109, Belarus



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How to Cite

Shishkina М., Fokov Ю., Rutkovskaya К. and Kulikovskaya А. (2017) “Calculation of reactivity effects in the subcritical assembly with thermal neutron spectrum driven by an external source of neutrons”, Journal of Civil Protection, 1(3), pp. 271–276. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2017.1-3.271.