Typological characteristics of life safety culture as a tool for meeting the need for safety
safety, safety need, safety culture, life safety culture, social mechanisms, adaptive potential, risk management, typological characteristicsAbstract
Purpose. Development of a preliminary classification and characterization of the types of life safety culture as a set of social mechanisms for satisfying the need for safety.
Methods. Analysis of qualitative data, criterion analysis, grouping and classification methods, comparative analysis.
Findings. The subjective and objective components of the need for security are differentiated. From a subjective point of view, a need is a lack of protection perceived by an individual or a group, motivating it to overcome it. From this position, the decision about the presence or absence of safety problems is made by an individual or a group, which does not always correspond to the real state of external risks and can provoke internal risks. From an objective point of view, the need for safety is associated with the potential ability of a group to ensure resistance to external risks through social tools (united by the term “life safety culture”), even in the case of low personal competence of a group member. Based on 10 key criteria, 4 types of life safety culture are identified and their brief characteristics are given. An analysis was carried out of the relationship between key indicators that determine the state of protection of communities in conditions of external risks – the degree and nature of awareness of the need for safety and the state of safety determined by the typological characteristics of the life safety culture – which made it possible to assess the nature of the influence of the subjective component of the need for safety on the objective one. It was revealed that the most beneficial in terms of saving material and psychological resources is a low level of individual awareness of the need for safety with a low level of external risks (the state of social safety instruments is an additional factor). From the standpoint of ensuring maximum group safety, the most beneficial is a high level of awareness of the need with developed safety tools in conditions of significant external risks.
Application field of research. The study of sustainable social mechanisms for regulating (un)safe behavior of individuals will help to increase the effectiveness of steps aimed at creating a culture of life safety, primarily for the most vulnerable groups in society.
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