Investigation of radiation characteristics of ash dump


  • Vitaliy N. Solov'ev State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny”; ul. akademika A.K. Krasina, 99, Minsk, 220109, Belarus
  • Igor' G. Pleshchankov State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny”; ul. akademika A.K. Krasina, 99, Minsk, 220109, Belarus
  • Allaida S. Levchuk State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny”; ul. akademika A.K. Krasina, 99, Minsk, 220109, Belarus
  • Galina I. Fokina State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny”; ul. akademika A.K. Krasina, 99, Minsk, 220109, Belarus
  • Natal'ya D. Kuz'mina State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny”; ul. akademika A.K. Krasina, 99, Minsk, 220109, Belarus



wood fuel, peat, ash, ash dump, radionuclide <sup>137</sup>Cs


Purpose. The paper is devoted to study radiation characteristics of ash dump of wood and peat fuel-burning power plant on contaminated territories of Belarus.

Methods. Measurements of the equivalent gamma radiation dose and the beta-particles flux density in the territory of the industrial landfill of the ash waste of wood and peat fuel-burning power plant were performed. The specific activity of 137Cs was measured in the samples of ash and water collected at the ash dump.

Application field of research. The results must be taken into account in the assessment of radiation safety of ash dump of wood and peat fuel-burning power plant on contaminated territories of Belarus. Conclusion. Abnormally high values of the specific activity of 137Cs were obtained in the ash dump areas with fly ash in the surface layers of ash waste which can create additional exposure of workers serving the ash dump.

Author Biographies

Vitaliy N. Solov'ev, State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny”; ul. akademika A.K. Krasina, 99, Minsk, 220109, Belarus

Head of Laboratory; PhD in Technical Sciences

Igor' G. Pleshchankov, State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny”; ul. akademika A.K. Krasina, 99, Minsk, 220109, Belarus

Senior Researcher

Allaida S. Levchuk, State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny”; ul. akademika A.K. Krasina, 99, Minsk, 220109, Belarus


Galina I. Fokina, State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny”; ul. akademika A.K. Krasina, 99, Minsk, 220109, Belarus


Natal'ya D. Kuz'mina, State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny”; ul. akademika A.K. Krasina, 99, Minsk, 220109, Belarus

Senior Researcher


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How to Cite

Solov’ev В., Pleshchankov И., Levchuk А., Fokina Г. and Kuz’mina Н. (2017) “Investigation of radiation characteristics of ash dump”, Journal of Civil Protection, 1(3), pp. 277–282. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2017.1-3.277.