Approaches to the creation and use of computer-integrated complex for monitoring and forecasting of emergency risks at municipal and industrial wastewater disposal facilities


  • Vladimir N. Shtepa Educational Institution «Polessky State University»; 225710, Belarus, Pinsk, Dneprovskoy flotilii str., 23
  • Sergey G. Pokornyy Limited Liability Company «ATM»; 125315, Russia, Moscow, Baltiyskaya str., 14
  • Eduard N. Muslimov Belarus, Minsk



counteraction to emergencies, waste water disposal, information systems, digitalization, water bodies, environmental safety


Purpose. To analyze and justify the functional tasks of practical use of computer-integrated complex for monitoring and forecasting the emergency risks at municipal and industrial wastewater disposal facilities.

Methods. System analysis and functional modeling of information systems.

Findings. The relevance and prospects of the introducing information systems for assessing the state wastewater disposal with the task of predicting the emergency risks have been confirmed. The complete flow graph of computer-integrated complex was constructed, path matrices and an auxiliary matrix were analyzed, which made it possible to identify the subsystems of this complex. The functional tasks of the computer-integrated complex for monitoring and forecasting the emergency risks at municipal and industrial wastewater disposal facilities within the framework of the «Digital Water Utility» concept are substantiated. The approaches have been developed to include the complex in unified state system for monitoring water bodies with the prevention (avoidance) of negative consequences of emergency situations.

Application field of research. Digitalization of water supply and sewage facilities. Innovative solutions of counteraction to emerencies.

Author Biographies

Vladimir N. Shtepa, Educational Institution «Polessky State University»; 225710, Belarus, Pinsk, Dneprovskoy flotilii str., 23

Vice Rector for Research; Grand PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Sergey G. Pokornyy, Limited Liability Company «ATM»; 125315, Russia, Moscow, Baltiyskaya str., 14


Eduard N. Muslimov, Belarus, Minsk

consulting engineer for expert systems development


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How to Cite

Shtepa В. Н., Pokornyy С. Г. and Muslimov Э. Н. (2024) “Approaches to the creation and use of computer-integrated complex for monitoring and forecasting of emergency risks at municipal and industrial wastewater disposal facilities”, Journal of Civil Protection, 8(1), pp. 32–42. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2024.8-1.32.



Technologies and software in the sphere of emergency prevention and elimination
