Improving the safety of the EDK-2000 emergency recovery train railway crane by timely detecting defects in the pyramidal support stands




safety, pyramidal support stands, EDK-2000 crane, emergency recovery train, capillary control, eddy current control


Purpose. To analyze the possibility of using non-destructive testing methods to identify hidden surface defects in the pyramidal support stands of railway cranes EDK-2000 of emergency recovery trains.

Methods. Based on the physical properties of the material of the control object, eddy current and capillary flaw detection were used as methods for detecting defects.

Findings. In practice, capillary and eddy current control have shown excellent results in detecting operational defects that cannot be determined by visual inspection of pyramidal support stands of railway cranes of the EDK-2000 type. Depending on the condition of the surface of the support stands and technical features of the application of methods that affect their sensitivity, it is more expedient to carry out capillary control in combination with eddy current. The photographs with indicator drawings of defects detected by the capillary method in pyramidal stands are shown. The technology of eddy current control of the support is given, taking into account the sensitivity setting as SOP 2353.08 made of D16T alloy.

Application field of research. Railway transport.

Author Biographies

Alexander G. Otoka, Educational Establishment «Belarusian State University of Transport»; 246653, Belarus, Gomel, Kirova str., 34

Chair «Wagons», Postgraduate Student

Oleg V. Kholodilov, Educational Establishment «Belarusian State University of Transport»; 246653, Belarus, Gomel, Kirova str., 34

Chair «Wagons», Professor; Grand PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite

Otoka А. Г. and Kholodilov О. В. (2024) “Improving the safety of the EDK-2000 emergency recovery train railway crane by timely detecting defects in the pyramidal support stands”, Journal of Civil Protection, 8(1), pp. 70–80. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2024.8-1.70.



Industrial safety. Reliability of technique and equipment. Labor protection
