Model for assessing the efficiency of fire extinguishing reservoirs of oil products




efficiency, hierarchy analysis method, resource intensity, reliability, safety, responsiveness


Purpose. Development of a model for assessing the efficiency of fire extinguishing of oil product storage tanks; substantiation of promising fire extinguishing methods for vertical steel tanks (hereinafter - VST).

Methods. Justification of promising methods of fire extinguishing in oil product storage tank farms was carried out by the method of hierarchy analysis.

Findings. The canonical efficiency indicator including resource intensity, reliability, safety and efficiency with their subsequent decomposition in hierarchical form is presented. The available subjective judgments of experts allow not only to identify one priority direction of improving the methods of fire extinguishing in VST, but also to determine the weight coefficients of efficiency indicators. Improvement of methods of creating an insulating layer over the combustion surface, as well as the development of new and promising techniques to stop combustion for different scenarios of emergency development in oil product storage tanks, is a priority direction to improve fire safety in case of fire in VST.

Application field of research. The results of the research allow not only identifying the priority direction of fire safety improvement in case of fire on VST, in particular, improving the methods of creating an insulating layer over the combustion surface, but also to model the efficiency index of automatic fire extinguishing installations of the tank farm.

Author Biographies

Andrey S. Perevalov, Ural Institute of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia; 620062, Russia, Ekaterinburg, Mira str., 22

Chair of Special Training, Head of the Chair; PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Konstantin V. Pastukhov, Public Joint Stock Company «Uralmashzavod»; Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Ekaterinburg, 1st Pyatiletka sq.

Division of Labor Protection and Industrial Safety, Deputy Head of the Division


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How to Cite

Perevalov А. С. and Pastukhov К. В. (2024) “Model for assessing the efficiency of fire extinguishing reservoirs of oil products”, Journal of Civil Protection, 8(3), pp. 264–275. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2024.8-3.264.