Improvement of the system of ensuring radiation safety of the border service of the Republic of Belarus




artificial intelligence, radiation safety, cross-border movement of nuclear and radioactive materials, software and hardware complex, radiation and dosimetric monitoring, state border, radiological emergency


Purpose. Development and justification of the most promising areas for integrating artificial intelligence into the radiation safety system of border service agencies in order to increase its efficiency.

Methods. Analysis of the capabilities of artificial intelligence and extrapolation of the scope of its application into the radiation safety system of border services, modeling of the technical component of the system taking into account the integration of artificial intelligence.

Findings. The main factors determining the relevance of the use of artificial intelligence have been established, and the most promising directions for its application in the system for ensuring radiation safety of border service agencies have been proposed. An analysis of the technical means of radiation and dosimetric monitoring was carried out, which made it possible to develop the basic requirements for the elements of the system, taking into account the integration of artificial intelligence, including the basic design of data transmission and the possibility of introducing means of remote radiation monitoring and reconnaissance using a promising software and hardware complex for radiation monitoring and unmanned aerial vehicles. An elemental base of a software and hardware complex for radiation monitoring has been proposed, providing the possibility of introducing technologies for analyzing, assessing and forecasting the radiation situation within a section of the state border in the event of a radiological emergency, as well as choosing the optimal route for conducting aerial and ground radiation reconnaissance, taking into account the ability of artificial intelligence to remotely control unmanned aerial vehicle.

Application field of research. Ensuring radiation safety of border service of the Republic of Belarus.

Author Biographies

Evgeniy A. Il'yuchik, State Educational Establishment «Border Guard Service Institute of Belarus»; 220103, Belarus, Minsk, Slavinskogo str., 4

Chair of Support Disciplines, Senior Lecturer

Andrey N. Bugay, State Educational Establishment «Border Guard Service Institute of Belarus»; 220103, Belarus, Minsk, Slavinskogo str., 4

Chair of Support Disciplines, Professor; PhD in Military Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Il’yuchik Е. А. and Bugay А. Н. (2024) “Improvement of the system of ensuring radiation safety of the border service of the Republic of Belarus”, Journal of Civil Protection, 8(3), pp. 301–311. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2024.8-3.301.