Particularities of the occurrence of large fires at oil and gas facilities and methods of reducing emergency CO2 emissions




hazardous production facility, large fires, fire safety, dangerous factors of fire, carbon dioxide, carbon footprint, photosynthesis


Purpose. Research of theoretical and practical issues concerning the increased emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as a result of large fires at economic facilities related to the handling of hydrocarbon fuels, as well as the development and testing of methods to reduce it.

Methods. The facts of large fires at the infrastructure of hazardous production facilities related to the handling of organic fuels, which became sources of significant atmospheric emissions of carbon dioxide, one of the most powerful greenhouse gases in terms of negative impact, were analyzed. The analysis of accidents that occurred in 2014-2023 in the Russian Federation at the facilities of pipeline transportation of organic fuels and tanks with oil and petroleum products was carried out. An innovative methodology for reducing the carbon footprint from large fires was proposed and presented with positive results of application experiments.

Findings. It has been established that the majority of accidents at the research facilities are associated with the occurrence of fires, as well as explosions of fuel-air mixtures accompanied by ignitions of combustibles. It is shown that many different causes, from those of technical nature to militarized terrorist attacks on oil and gas complex facilities, «break» the technological chains of fuel movement from production to consumption, causing accidental burning of gas, oil and oil products. It is proposed to consider the negative impact from emergency fires of organic fuels in terms of formation of a significant contribution to the emission of carbon dioxide as a dangerous factor of indirect delayed action fire. Application of the developed methodology leads to an increase in the total photosynthetic potential of plants and, accordingly, their absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Application field of research. Investigation of the processes of accidents, fires and explosions, development of ways to reduce hazardous effects on the environment, development of methodological foundations and regulations aimed at ensuring fire safety of defense objects.

Author Biographies

Ekaterina A. Basova, St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University); 190013, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Moskovskiy ave., 24-26/49 letter A

Chear of Environmental Engineering, postgraduate student

Sergey G. Ivakhnyuk, Saint-Petersburg State Fire Service University of EMERCOM of Russia; 196105, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Moskovskiy ave., 149

Research Institute for Advanced Research and Innovative Technologies in Life Safety, Deputy Head of the Institute; PhD in Technical Sciences

Lyudmila A. Koroleva, Saint-Petersburg State Fire Service University of EMERCOM of Russia; 196105, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Moskovskiy ave., 149

Chair of Fire, Emergency Rescue Equipment and Automotive Industry, Professor; Grand PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor

Vladimir V. Semenov, St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University); 190013, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Moskovskiy ave., 24-26/49 letter A

Chear of Environmental Engineering, Deputy Head of the Chair; Grand PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite

Basova Е. А., Ivakhnyuk С. Г., Koroleva Л. А. and Semenov В. В. (2024) “Particularities of the occurrence of large fires at oil and gas facilities and methods of reducing emergency CO2 emissions”, Journal of Civil Protection, 8(3), pp. 325–336. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2024.8-3.325.