Application of HAZOP/HAZID risk analysis methods in fire and industrial safety management system




HAZOP, HAZID, risk analysis, fire safety, industrial safety, risk management, oil refining industry


Purpose. To review HAZOP/HAZID risk analysis methods to determine their applicability to fire safety elements at industrial facilities.

Methods. Risk analysis in the safety management system of industrial facilities. System approach to identification of potential hazards and operational problems of the industrial facility.

Findings. HAZOP and HAZID methods are analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of these methods, as well as ways of their use in risk assessment and risk management at industrial facilities are considered.

Application field of research. Analysis of consequences of introduction of hazardous factors at early stages of design documentation development. Development of a register of typical hazardous factors and consequences. Detailed analysis of hazardous factors and risks at all stages of the life cycle of an industrial facility.

Author Biography

Maksim S. Zakruta, Open Joint Stock Company «Minsk Carriage Repair Plant»; 220014, Belarus, Minsk, Zheleznodorozhnaya str., 5/1

Lead Industrial Safety Engineer


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How to Cite

Zakruta М. С. (2024) “Application of HAZOP/HAZID risk analysis methods in fire and industrial safety management system”, Journal of Civil Protection, 8(4), pp. 462–471. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2024.8-4.462.



Industrial safety. Reliability of technique and equipment. Labor protection
