Comprehensive testing of the sprinkler optimized by the foam expansion rate


  • Aleksey O. Likhomanov State Educational Establishment «University of Сivil Protection of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus»; ul. Mashinostroiteley, 25, Minsk, 220118, Belarus



automatic extinguishing system, sprinkler, optimal geometry, foam expansion rate, protected area, spraying intensity, spray uniformity


Purpose. The verification of the experimental-statistical mathematical model for predicting the foam expansion rate depending on the sprinkler geometry and the determination of the spray characteristics of the sprinkler optimized by the foam expansion rate.

Methods. The verification of the developed model and the determination of the sprinkler spray characteristics was conducted using empirical method by carrying out laboratory and complex tests under real conditions.

Findings. Laboratory and complex tests under real conditions showed a sufficient degree of convergence of the results of experiments with the predicted values using a mathematical model (the deviation not more than 16.1 %). The expansion rate values of the foam generated by the optimal sprinkler in the range from 11.2 to 13.6 were obtained. These values are by 60–94 % higher compared to the currently used deflector type sprinklers. During complex test under real conditions the spray characteristics (protected area, spraying intensity and spray uniformity) of the optimal sprinkler were established. Further steps of increasing the foam sprinklers extinguishing efficiency were determined.

Application field of research. The obtained results can be used for designing of foam sprinklers for automatic extinguishing systems with increased extinguishing efficiency.

Author Biography

Aleksey O. Likhomanov, State Educational Establishment «University of Сivil Protection of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus»; ul. Mashinostroiteley, 25, Minsk, 220118, Belarus

Faculty of Postgraduate Scientific Education, Adjunct


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How to Cite

Likhomanov А. (2019) “Comprehensive testing of the sprinkler optimized by the foam expansion rate”, Journal of Civil Protection, 3(3), pp. 247–254. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2019.3-3.247.