Semi-empirical model of calculating the parameters of the actual zone of contamination when setting up water curtains
hazardous chemical substance, spillage, contamination zone, water curtain, semi-empirical calculation modelAbstract
Purpose. The development of a semi-empirical model of calculating the effect of water curtains on the propagation of hazardous chemical vapors with wind flow from a local source of release (spillage).
Methods. Laboratory studies of the absorption of gaseous impurities by moving water drops. Field tests to determine the parameters of the actual contamination zone in the conditions of ammonia and chlorine spills with free spread of impurities and in the conditions of setting up water curtains. Fuller's method. Galerkin's method. Method of straight lines. Mathematical modeling. Three-dimensional solution of the turbulent diffusion equation. Inter- and extrapolation estimates. Semi-empirical calculations using the results of laboratory research, field tests and mathematical modeling.
Findings. The absorption capacity and transmittance index of water curtains created with the use of a hose spray are calculated in case of the propagation of ammonia and chlorine with a wind flow from the source of emission (spillage). A formula is proposed for calculating the numerical density of the impurity taking into account the transmittance index and fractional impurities not absorbed by the water curtain. The boundaries of the actual contamination zone were determined with the free spread of ammonia and chlorine from the surface of the strait and under the conditions of setting up water curtains. A method is proposed for calculating the depth of the actual contamination zone using the curtain transmittance. A semi-empirical model has been developed for calculating the effect of water curtains on the propagation of hazardous chemical vapors with a wind flow from a local source of release (spillage).
Application field of research. Prediction of the parameters of the actual contamination zone during the release (spillage) of a hazardous chemical during the rescue operations.
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