The concept of using water curtains at the elimination of emergency situations with the release of hazardous chemicals




hazardous chemical, release, emergency response, water curtain


Purpose. Development of scientific foundations and technologies for liquidation of emergency situations with the release of hazardous chemicals.

Methods. Laboratory research, full-scale and field tests, mathematical modeling.

Findings. The absorption capacity of ammonia and chlorine by separate moving water drops and their mass in the volume of curtains is determined. The parameters of the actual contamination zone during the spills of ammonia and chlorine in the conditions of free spread of impurities and during the installation of water curtains have been determined. The mechanism of the effect of water curtains on the spread of gaseous impurities with the wind flow has been determined. Optimal sprayers for creating curtains are proposed, the tactics of their use and the method of calculating the required number of forces and means are described.

Application field of research. Planning and carrying out emergency rescue operations in response to emergencies with the release of hazardous chemicals. Determination of ways of creating and tactics of using water curtains. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of water curtains. Calculation of the required number of forces and means.

Author Biography

Gennadiy V. Kotov

PhD in Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Kotov Г. В. (2021) “The concept of using water curtains at the elimination of emergency situations with the release of hazardous chemicals”, Journal of Civil Protection, 5(2), pp. 216–230. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2021.5-2.216.



Safety in emergencies (technical sciences)
