Method for assessing the damaging effect of the displacement wave on artificial water bodies
the displacement wave, incident on hydraulic structures, dan, landslide, emergency situationAbstract
Purpose. Forecasting of parameters of the displacement wave on artificial water bodies.
Methods. Modeling of emergency situation in hydraulic laboratory.
Findings. The developed methodology will increase the level of safety of facilities on the territory adjacent to the reservoirs.
Application field of research. The research results can be used in calculations of risk assesment of hydraulic structures.
Conclusions. As a result of the carried out work the methodology for laboratory research has been developed that takes into account the scenario of development of emergency situations on artificial water bodies: 1 – collapse of a part of the coast having a predominantly homogeneous soil; 2 – collapse of a part of the coast which has a various composition of solid ground rocks unrelated to each other. The technique allows to simulate the collapse of cohesive and incoherent soils, to forecast dangerous factors of wave action and to prevent major material damage and human death.
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