Legal basis of the fire safety audit system in the Republic of Belarus
fire safety, audit activity, fire safety audit system, audit report, expert-auditor, state fire supervisionAbstract
Purpose. Formation of legal proposals on the implementation of auditing activities in the field of fire safety in the Republic of Belarus.
Methods. General scientific methods were used: analysis, synthesis, generalization, induction and modeling, as well as private research methods: comparative legal and legal forecasting.
Findings. Legal proposals on the implementation of auditing activities in the field of fire safety in the Republic of Belarus have been formed as a result of the analysis of theoretical provisions, national and international experience in the implementation of the fire safety audit, namely: strategic audit directions have been determined; an audit algorithm for fire safety is proposed, requirements for organizations that have the right to carry out audit activities in the field of fire safety, qualification characteristics of the expert auditor, structure and content of the audit report are determined.
Application field of research. The prepared proposals on the implementation of auditing activities in the field of fire safety in the Republic of Belarus can be used in the preparation of regulations in this segment of activity, and in scientific research. The introduction of the formed legal proposals will make it possible to rationally and effectively build an audit system in the Republic of Belarus, involve business entities along with state fire supervision authorities in assessing the state of fire safety, and prepare additional resources in ensuring fire safety of the state.
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